Cel mai bun cazinou

Cel mai bun cazinou



34 thoughts on “Cel mai bun cazinou

  1. this scenes reminded me that story of that asian dude Terrance Watanabe that used to be in Vegas betting large sums of money and got his pockets ran deep in similar fashion i guess he just one of many through history

  2. I used to work at a casino that had a fk ton of baccarat. I once saw a guy win 400,000 and we managed to keep him there. Lost it all in 2 days. Imo if ur that dumb to stay u deserve to lose it

  3. And the CCTV operator is watching the 'Eye in the sky'. And a fly on the wall is watching the CCTV operator. And a spider is watching the fly…

  4. I'm not going to read any comments so if this is redundant, please forgive me. The term whale is a misnomer. It attempts to mean a giant fish. A fish is a casinos mark. So a giant one gets comped up and down the strip. Whales have handlers. Handlers convey to the high limit host what the whale wants and it gets executed. The whole "plane is broken" concept has been done before, and to one of my whales. If the plane is broken, the whale comes back to hotel and sits in a private room. This allows the floor manager or the whales hosts to try to get some of the money back. In most casinos the restaurant is part of the structure. So when the whale orders a 1990 Gaja Barbaresco the butler or host goes and gets it. Because the casino owns the restaurant, what the whale orders costs them a lot less. To illustrate this let's look specific cases. One of the members of Duran Duran is down big time. He asks for a wine list. The wine list request means the whale is down and knows he can get back at the casino by ordering a pricey wine. Once the host hear or reads the cost of the bottle a panic ensues. The player is down so much they need to get him what he wants. I had great friend who was the GM for the restaurant. The host gives the order to the GM and he conveys it to me. The host (a complete idiot) then tries to go with the hole "My player is down a massively, can you cut him a deal" Now I find this amusing. The GM is Silian so he automatically adjusts and in a nobel voice asks how much he is down. Most hosts seem to have lived mostly in a room with lead in the paint and underneath power lines. The event at this stage is all about negotiations. The GM knows how much the player is down. He also knows the wine has been opened and is currently in the players glass. He tells the host that he will ask the owner and try to get the price down. Keeping in mind that for every dime the whale is down, the casino is up. So goes into superScisian mode. Within minutes it stops being a negotiation. GM leaves the office looking at his own shoes. He hasn't even touched a phone. He says he cant get get ahold of the owner. He then goes back in the office shaking his head as if he can't do this without approval. Within ten minutes we get the approval of the casino to sell the bottle, which is great because that bottle is almost empty.

  5. On social media the cardinal rule is to keep them watching and keep them coming back. The longer they keep consuming the more time they lose. In the end we get it all.

  6. The reality is, to whales like him, its like 10 cents. They are so impossibly wealthy, its nothing to blink at. Its nothing to them. Thats true wealth there, true capitalism.

  7. I don't know why that guy didn't just stop gambling when he knew he was losing. Its so funny the little honey next to him has this disappointed look on her face lol

  8. Now they are at the point there going to charge you extra for a clean room and towels are extra too and don't think about no 20$ trick for an upgrade, the influencers nipped that in the bud for everyone that knew about it.

  9. How does watching the guy watching the guy watching the other guy help anything? Isn’t any cheating still going to come from the dealer or the player?

  10. Someone is Always watching. We are watching YouTube, Youtube is watching us, The studios are watching the analytics of what we watch and the directors are watching the studios, the actors are watching the directors and everyone is watching the actors for their next movies. The internet is watching us ALL.

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