Ți-ai dorit vreodată să ai o insulă tropicală pentru tine? Credem că Bahamas este una dintre puținele destinații de croazieră unde acest lucru este posibil! Plana Cays se află la 20 de mile de cea mai apropiată așezare și sunt nelocuite. O teorie este că aceasta a fost prima aterizare a lui Columb în Caraibe. Nu putem trece peste culoarea fabuloasă a apei și kilometrii de plajă cu nisip alb. Există un recif îndepărtat, așa că ancorăm afară și aducem barca la mal. Consultați barca noastră aici… http://www.distantshores.ca/about-us/the-boats/southerly-49/ Toate cele 130 de episoade de jumătate de oră ale emisiunii TV Distant Shores sunt, de asemenea, disponibile pe DVD și descărcate la: http://www.distantshores.ca/sailingdv… Acest serial de televiziune în curs de desfășurare care urmărește aventurile globale ale grupului Shards poate fi vizionat la AWE TV în SUA și Caraibe. Urmărește-l pe Nautical Channel în Europa, Asia, Africa și multe alte țări din întreaga lume. http://nauticalchannel.com/shows/show/distant-shores
Sailing Insulele pustii – Bahamas

28 thoughts on “Sailing Insulele pustii – Bahamas”
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please God send me there
that water is amazing!
Beautiful waters!
Id be tempted to shag on the beach. One erect dick " check"
Great video quality!
Bahama looks breathtaking.
I wish you would record a three or four hour video of just you sailing the beautiful Caribbean waters!!! Can't get enough, so beautiful.
Towel and a few books and I could spend 5 days there. Need that right about now
can you camp on these islands or at least anchor there for a few days?
Omg this water is sooo beautiful
Wow Nice Hope you guys also watch my Adventure in Bahamas
How are you not bottoming out in six feet?
0:23………."heading over to Mayaguana"…….
As soon as I win the Powerball lottery I'm going to BUY more than 5,000 ACRES of land on Mayaguana and build what would eventually become the largest "nudist, naturist, clothing optional enthusiast beach, campground, resort, community, town" on the entire planet.
Why are they inhabited??
Great video! Thanks for sharing!
I looked this up because I was curious if boat owners just go to uninhabited islands for fun. I am pleased with the search results.
Is there any way I can spend a week aboard a boat with hosts in the Southern Bahamas? I am a beginner, and I am very inspired!
Everytime the "Last Man on Earth" theme has been introduced into films or books its betrayed on by introducing more characters. I'd like to experience if only by …… what it would be like to have the entire Earth as a destination.
That woman looks like a Karen
This life may be my reality sooner than I planned and permanently
Absolutely LOVE this video! Just wish it lasted longer! I really like the idea of exploring the uninhabited islands! Thank you Distant Shores.
he said there's an offline reef so he anchors outside and bring the dinghy in to shore. what is an offline reef? anyone please..thx.
This is a bucket list item for me now. Great video.
can a boat anchor off these sort of islands without having to announce your arrival with the government?
This is the paradise on earth. Speechless.
Near which island was the desert island? Amazing
DSTV, Speechless. So beautiful. Thank you!!!!