Regele Edward al VII-lea – profesorul Vernon Bogdanor

Regele Edward al VII-lea - profesorul Vernon Bogdanor

Edward al VII-lea a avut o înțelegere instinctivă a laturii umane a monarhiei. Atât în ​​țară, cât și în străinătate, el a căutat să se concilieze și a fost cunoscut drept Edward the Peacemaker. El a contribuit la crearea sentimentelor bune cu Franța, care a pregătit calea Antantei Cordiale din 1904. Acasă sa confruntat cu o criză constituțională când Camera Lorzilor a respins bugetul în 1909. Criza a rămas nerezolvată la moartea lui Edwards în 1910. și versiuni descărcabile ale prelegerii sunt disponibile de pe site-ul Gresham College: Gresham College a oferit cursuri publice gratuite de peste 400 de ani, mulțumiri pentru generozitatea susținătorilor noștri. În prezent, există peste 2.500 de prelegeri pentru acces gratuit. Credem că toată lumea ar trebui să aibă ocazia să învețe de la unele dintre cele mai mari minți. Pentru a sprijini misiunea lui Gresham, vă rugăm să luați în considerare să faceți o donație:


13 thoughts on “Regele Edward al VII-lea – profesorul Vernon Bogdanor

  1. Eddy fomented the civil war in the USA and has the main person responsible for the WW's Re: England's Triple Alliance with Russia/France against Germany.

  2. And the Jews in Eddy 7th circle were his bankers. The prince didn't have a farthing so these bankers gave the Prince a high (25%) guaranteed return on his investments for present and future economic considerations.

  3. Thank you for posting this series. I'm really interested to find out more about King Edward. I had the understanding that he was a philandering playboy, a la George IV. This is really unfair. He seems a very interesting man, and great King. He had a rubbish childhood, thanks to the misguided attitudes of his parents, and was deliberately excluded from any kind of meaningful public role thanks to his mother's need to cling to power. The icing on the cake is that he was able to be a much better parent to his children than his father had been to him. Despite Victoria and Albert thinking him unintelligent, he appears to have a very high EQ and if only he had lived a little longer, who knows if WW1 could have been prevented (although maybe not: the Kaiser was always going to outlive him and then his paranoias would run unchecked). A really interesting lecture, and I'm keen to find out more.

  4. The Entente Cordiale was the greatest blunder in history… It upset the balance of power in Europe , and led directly to the First World War… Given Britain's alignment with France (and Russia) a huge German war was fairly inevitable… Without that alignment , the First World War would never have happened… Britain had the option of a deal with Germany , which we turned down in favour of a deal with France… Why?!!? It benefited America , but it was a disaster for Britain and Europe… It was a blunder , Prof Bogdanor… largely of Edward VII making… British foreign policy was the preserve of the king , the prime minister and the foreign secretary… Edward VII , Balfour and Lansdowne… Nobody else !
    Britain was responsible for the whole sorry mess of the Twentieth Century

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