Barca mea clasică Myfanwy 1897

Barca mea clasică Myfanwy 1897

Myfanwy este un iaht de curse al unui gentleman victorian construit în 1897. Deținut de Rob Mason, care a salvat-o din grămada de resturi. I-au trebuit patru ani să o readucă la starea inițială. Acum, din motive personale, este scoasă la vânzare la 79.600 de lire sterline. Filmat în locația din Țara Galilor de Sud, am plecat cu Rob și fratele său John. Copyright 2017 Bob Aylott. Muzică


41 thoughts on “Barca mea clasică Myfanwy 1897

  1. Heart and passion ❤️. Did hit me like a brick hammer, see this true gentlemans reaction to sell his beautiful yacht. Reminded me so much of my fathers work on his yacht when I was a child. I will forever be grateful to my parents, for passing on their love to the sea. My daughter is 8 years old now, and she just smile when we sail. Feel blessed when I hear her sing every time we are on the boat 😍. Warm greetings from Copenhagen

  2. I'm with Tom! But two years too late. Is there a follow up? Would love to know that someone did start a crowdfund or some such. Moved me to tears. Beautiful boat and beautiful man.

  3. A memorial service will be held for the late Robert Francis (Rob) MASON commencing at 11.00am on Friday, 29 September, 2017 at St.Paul's Anglican Hall, Hume Street, Gloucester.

  4. Thats what I love about wooden boats, weather you built it yourself or brought it back to her former glory they always have a place inside you. You learn their moods, tempermants, weakness and strengths. When you have to part with one for what ever reason its like a part of you is leaving. Love watching these videos of these classics.

  5. Aw. Damn, what a shame. Getting old is cruel. I hope he can hold onto a sense of wonder and joy at what he accomplished, she's beyond beautiful.

  6. wonderful story and heart-bre'aking at the same time. As watched the video, i see that he and his brother are no longer agile enough to safely handle the craft. Me thinks that is why he is selling. 'T would be wonderful to find a buyer that would be his crew and he could continue sailing her as captain.

  7. This is the second time I have seen an extraordinary restoration completion and the boat is sold relatively quickly afterwards. Don't understand it.

  8. Almost 4 years from this video and I wonder if she found an owner that will care for her as much as this man did. This is a story of true love.

  9. You should do a follow up video on this one the passion of this man and what he has done you can tell he put his heart into this boat .

  10. Reminds me of Angus Walters' tears when he was forced to sell the Bluenose. Of course I'm sure that many a skipper has shed tears in the same way.

  11. One year ago I had to sell my Bagadou, a lovely traditional sailing boat from the breton south coast. Too old to continue to maintain her in a perfect condition. I just can tell that my broken heart was cured by her new skipper, young and passionated, with two little kids so enthusiastics. Bagadou will continue to sail forward! I just hope that your lovely sailing yacht is in good hands and continues to sail so beautifuly.

  12. I have a Pond Yacht that was made in 1927 that is the spitting image of this boat! I have always loved gaff rigged racing cutters and this one is a work of art! And the name, Myfanwy (Beloved or My Dearest) is a fitting name for a such a labor of love!

  13. Bless your heart kind sir…. brought a tear to mine eye, your memories shall stay with you to the end, and forever more….cheers. Job well done 👍

  14. Amazing man.! Put his life’s work into saving a classic and gorgeous ship. I hope it went to someone who will love it and sail it into another century. Couldn’t help but shed a tear at the end.! 😢

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