Navigați cu un hobie 16 pe plajă în 40 de noduri
Hobie 16 accident de plajă la 40 de noduri
38 thoughts on “Hobie 16 accident de plajă la 40 de noduri”
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Navigați cu un hobie 16 pe plajă în 40 de noduri
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This guy had no idea what 40 knots is. Clickbait or a liar.
That’s like kissing your cousin.
A big couple of stupid…
Sure, I still do this with my Hobie18 *on sandy beaches*. When a beach is this hard it's stupid to do, unless you really enjoy the fiberglass work and injecting epoxy to fix the delamination that's exacerbated from this hard of a hit. Drill a bunch of holes in your hull for that kind of repair and you'll be more careful not to abuse your boat in the future (speaking from experience).
40 knots???
Pretty hard on the rig.
Spoiled rich kids…
the speed for beaching was approximately 12 knots
"Like ah glove"
A little booze
Destruction derby, hobie style
Thats not 40K knots
Cant park it there
₱£əl3¡A§:: ĞƏ₺ l/|al₹∅²πəl). .
40 knots haha.
NOT 49 knots and not a crash.
I missed the "crash" bit.
Be grateful that those boats don't have dagger boards…
A hobie 16 could only possibly do 40 knots if it was dropped from a plane. Plus it wasn’t a crash. It was just beaching intentionally.
Man, people are ramming boats onto beaches and sinking them every day, and here's me who would treat a boat so well but can't afford one
I hope you know how to repair gelcoat, also that was closer to 20 knots not 40.
Rental I bet
perfect beaching.
No way was that 40knots lol
That was not a crash, and that is definitely not 40 knots…
40 knots? Not?
Well that was pure shit
That’s a normal Hobie16 beaching if ever I saw one. And Ive seen a lot of them and even made a few myself. Never dared doing that on my Nacra 6.0spi tho.… hah sweet memories of my youth…
When Daddy has plenty of money.
Where are boats is this? Canada?
Slowest 40 knts I've ever seen. Especially when the speed rating of a Hobie 16 is mid 20's
Omg way to ruin the hulls..butnimpressivevfastvway to get the boat ashore I would nitbdo that on mine!
Zat zit.
Not a crash. It’s what the Hobie Cat was designed for.
Pretty sure they beached it intentionally and no way they are anywhere near 40knots
Bro tf idk bout you but aight got the money to screw a boat up- heck I don’t even have money to own a boat XD
how yall even gonna get it on a dolly now???