Luând zborul cu noul Waszp din Melbourne, Australia. Mulțumesc lui Tom Trotman pentru că m-a ajutat să navighez cu barca 😉 Mulțumesc băieților de la Waszp pentru barcă. Vă rugăm să dați Like, Comentați, Sub și SHARE!!! Muzică de Joakim Karud http:// #flying
Navigarea cu WASZP // Foiling Generation

7 thoughts on “Navigarea cu WASZP // Foiling Generation”
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it's a moth with a little sail
Man, would love to get one of these one day. They look like so much fun!
what yachy club is this out of
ugh, normal speed next time please. Slowmo is good for the once in-a-while transition but I want to see how fast that thing is actually going.
Not so beautiful to see, the rudder fin seems to carve the water like a plow. Maybe they have to refinish it a little more.
Terrible. A smoking fast boat shown in slow mo. Not very exciting. NEXT…