Destinațiile noastre preferate de navigație din Noua Zeelandă! Ep. 77

Destinațiile noastre preferate de navigație din Noua Zeelandă!  Ep.  77

Alăturați-vă echipajului de pe La Vaga în timp ce navigăm pe coasta de est a Northland New Zealand și vă arătăm câteva dintre destinațiile noastre preferate de navigație! Faceți cunoștință cu câteva fețe noi și sărbătorește din nou Crăciunul și Anul Nou alături de noi (pentru că cine nu vrea să sărbătorească Crăciunul și Anul Nou ca în fiecare weekend?). Sper că îți face plăcere să ajungi din urmă în timp real. Videoclipuri făcute cu dragoste, Elayna. Xo Consultați canalul lui JP aici: Song Credits: 00:01 Greener Pastures – HEEBLAY 02:37 Seafoam – Gender Work https:/ / 06:06 Fructe de mare – Munca de gen 06:59 Carter – Munca de gen 08:54 Hotel 9 – Jack Pen și Orchestra lui antropomorfă 13:26 Running Late – Jack Pen și His Anthropomorphicrchestra 20:26 Running Late – Jack Pen and His Anthropomorphic Orchestra .com/ackenandhisnthropomorphicrchestra 22:59 Jamie Hamilton – Am aceste corzi în umeri, dar nu îmi pot da seama dacă sunt o păpușă sau un zmeu 24:38 Cântec I Cover: Sex on Fire – Kings of Leon 33:29 High as Love – HEEBLY 35:52 Now That Chance h ca Gone – Chris O – 40:13 Mandala – HEEBLAY 45:16 Dark Night of the Soul – Frontier Child – /frontier_child/tracks 47:43 Infant Nascitur – Frontier Child 50:59 Higher – HEEBLY 53:29 Nu vă speriați de a avea un Go – A Wood 56:06 Wait Outside – Getgogetter Nu uitați să ne dați like pe Facebook! Doriți șansa de a veni la bord/privilegii pentru filmări nevăzute? Vă rugăm să deveniți un Patron și să susțineți producția noastră! Descarcă albumul Elaynas de aici! Ia niște produse oficiale La Vaga și ajută-ne să ne susținem călătoria! Abonați-vă la noul nostru site sexy pentru postări și actualizări pe blog! Urmărește-ne pe Twitter! Apreciați pagina Elaynas Music din carte! Întrebări frecvente Ce camere folosim? CAMERA MARE: CAMERA PORTANT: GOPRO: DRONE: Ce software avem utilizare? Premiere Pro


45 thoughts on “Destinațiile noastre preferate de navigație din Noua Zeelandă! Ep. 77

  1. Great video… mmm the burn time for New Zealand is horrifyingly short! Most Kiwis can testify!
    Watching this 12Jan22 (6y later, golly!!) ..and lovely to meet Riley’s brother Danny.
    NZ’s own Whittaker’s brand of chocolate is the best!! 🐑🐑🇳🇿🇳🇿

  2. Randomly woke up to this playing, forgot how long I have been watching you two, and y'all got two kiddos now🙅‍♂

  3. I have been a fishing guide since I was 14 years old in 1977 and what I seen you do is not bad for the fish as long as the fight is not too long like anything more than 2 hours is way to much stress on it and the big thing is to never ever lift the fish out of the water and hang it up for pictures is the absolute worst because all the organs rip to the bottom of the stomach cavity and the fish swims away and dies and even touching the fish breaks the protective slime barrier opening the fish to infections. I have caught fish that appeared to have a rash in the shape of a man's hand ! Catch and release done rite is good for the fish and all that that intails. Done wrong you might just as well kill the poor animals and stop patting your self on the back thinking your so good

  4. I dont know if i will ever see a marlin in person so i am grateful to have seen a couple here-massive!! I was glad to see you release them…i don't know a thing about the politics on them but it would be a very large fish to process for dinner 😳

  5. Yip! A Taylor Guitar. I have one hand and really went wild be a Taylor. That was decades ago but I'm excited by Taylor guitars. Enjoy. I have watched all your video Riley and Elayna. Thank you for the cool kids.

  6. Spent the whole weekend watching all I could but alas Monday came and I had to go back to work and wait for the weeks episode to appear on my rectangle of knowledge luv u guys and jealous

  7. 13:30 I MUST KNOW THE ARTIST PLAYING THIS SONG. PLEASE!!! I hope you see this!!! Love you guys and have for a long time. I just watched your video from this date w 2 kiddos now. ❤️👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

  8. As long as we have an alternative protein sources, such as beans, rice and other vegan things we do not have to eat them and we should not!!. So my answer is: Catch and Release. (If you love this sport and you have to…). 🙁

  9. As a vegan I’m impressed with most of the food you all eat always plenty of veggies on your plates.Your films are fab and very professional.I was happy when you released the big fish as I’m sure the fish was.Your a very healthy looking pair and I wish you continued health although I did see a massive block of cheddar cheese in this movie terrible for your young beautiful bodies to deal with ha ha keep up the good work I’ve followed you both for a few years now.

  10. Loved every minute of this format. Sailing, lifestyle, exploring, spear fishing and beach nosh up. What more could I want. Great stuff guys, keep up the good work. 👍🙏🎥

  11. Didn't know Elana was a rockstar.🎶🎸. These vids are more somber and honest.. Living life in these times I get the gist. Sailing is all the rage.

  12. IDK, I would not enjoy getting a hook in my mouth. If you're gonna hook a fish I think it should be cuz you're gonna eat it.

  13. So cool.. just rewatching this one and realized the amazing progression. Good for you SLV! Best sailing channel on the Tube

  14. I started watching you guys about a year ago…I am now watching your 218 episodes of how you guys started… Is this the arrival of Riley's captain hat??

  15. Vegetarian here…I still have to look away when you pull in fish, I definitely respect people who fish and hunt and live off the land, that being said I consider myself very fortunate that I do not have to eat living creatures. I respect all living creatures big and small, and I believe the saying applies, do unto others as you would have done to yourself. If I am to dye, I hope it is for a purpose and that I've left behind a positive impact on the world, so for the fish and animals that some humans consume, but hunting and fishing for sport is a poor choice of our freedoms in my opinion. cheers

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