Grafenul și hidrofoilele oferă superputeri pentru barca optimistă Studenții și cercetătorii de la Universitatea de Tehnologie Chalmers și SSPA din Suedia au proiectat și dezvoltat o barca optimistă cu capacități supreme. Prin utilizarea unui compozit cu grafen adăugat, carena este mai puternică și mai ușoară. Hidrofoile sunt adăugate pentru a ridica barca, scăzând rezistența și permițând viteze mai mari. După experimentarea și testarea în unitatea de cercetare și dezvoltare a navelor SSPA din Göteborg, Suedia, barca este gata să fie încercată pe mare pentru prima dată. @axelrahmsailing va face onorurile.
Optimistul Foling

45 thoughts on “Optimistul Foling”
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Брэд пит решил погонять на "оптемисте".
Remember that the best foil is actual as close to the water as possible without touching. Being able to control blade height is key.
I’m certain the kiwis called these guys for advice when they designed the AC75 race boats for Americ’s Cup. Amazing.
foiled again!
Very suspicious. The optimist is never shown in a stable flying configuration. I suspect this was mostly a failure, and getting this thing to fly even for a few seconds was extremely difficult, as we can see by the sailor's wild movements inside it, trying to keep an even keel.
I'm calling this a 5/10 – it's a pass, but it's not changing the way an optimist sails.
"Test pilot" That's awfully liberal even for some college brats.
Охренеть, блин! А чё, так можно было???!!!!
I kept on looking at the line dragging to the keel board. Thought you could get another twenty knots plus if it was slowing you down. Tony
So an airplane wing under the water.
Yep, and now, we have the "Americas Cup Boats" doing almost the same thing here on the last day of 2020 in Auckland doing 50knots in very light winds, It's most probably "Thank You Sweden"
seems like a bit of a handful.
Happy new year
WOW they took an AIR CHAIR and put a small boat around it, not very original at all, old tech
Ah, Chalmers University, welcome. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable boat.
Instead of music why don´t you use sound track to explain things. Ugly letters overprint are nasty.
О, и Бред Пит здесь.
Yeah…Since America's Cup High performance Design was first foiling then spread different sport class and so on.
However I mention that International Sailing Federation (ISF) find the standard Class Rules require. Because foiling would be illegal on race.
But good idea separation Class race on their countries Club Official Boat will get "F" Flag up that means Class with Foiling on next start race. who enjoy challenge race of class with foiling.
Until ISF will reach to new approve rules on later years. Hopeful on future, International Olympics/Commonwealth Committees will approve which new foiling class make less hour of race.
Самый быстрый "оптимист"…
0:54 Wow, with a boat that small on hydrofoils, the balance must be really critical. It's amazing he can keep it upright.
When you max out your starting tools and amour:
My club uses Optimists as ice bucket fridges at end of season. Now people dont have to bend down for a drink, nice
I spent many years in my youth racing these boats, up to the point where I weighed 100lbs making me non-competitive against the younger 70 lb. racers. It would take a very stiff breeze to allow this to happen. You should take note that if these boats when tipped fill with water, it is all over till the tow boat comes. My dad, who built our boats would have been all over this if it had been thought of back in the 60s!
It looks quite unstable.
Finally the baby step for sailing now allows boys to fly!
Take that to a opti regatta you will smash every one
Haha, great!
Make those ridiculous square buckets fly.
I loved it
It's really amazing! How can we buy it for our young sailors in Russia?
Really neat!
The pilot should have been a kid.
It needs an aileron like the foiling catamaran i-fly has, wich always tries to correct the hull to a horizontal position when on foils automatically. Then it is easy for younger children to learn how to foil sail with these flying optimists.
How much does that optimist weigh
There’s no way it’s a random one
FIVE KNOTS are you kidding me
That foil must be pretty darn good too
Yoooo grown man sheeeeeeeeeeeesh
amazing!!! let's do it again!
Catamaran energy in a ‘very’ optimistic way
Something is telling me that the hull is now less of a hydrodynamic problem and more of an aerodynamic one
But then it wouldn't be an Optimist, right?
It has been done before
I was joking about a foiling oppie yesterday and didn’t realise that it actually exists
this feel one thise is verry nice
Brillant! Enfin…
Best french boat ever…