Vizionați în 4k (modificarea setărilor) pentru o experiență completă! Băieți… Aceasta nu este o redare 3D. Este filmare de înaltă calitate. Aceasta este o exclusivitate la nivel mondial. Un prim plan al acestor două iahturi, ambele deținute de oligarhul rus Andrey Melnichenko, în valoare de 1 miliard de dolari. Sailing Yacht A lansat în martie 2017. A fost rar observat în sălbăticie. Super Yacht A a fost lansat în 2008 și, din câte știu, nu a fost niciodată filmat îndeaproape în 4k. În mai, pentru prima dată, ambele iahturi au fost în golful Monaco doar 72 de ore. În două dintre aceste zile vremea nu a fost bună pentru filmări. Doar cu o fereastră strânsă, am reușit să eternizez pentru totdeauna acest moment unic pe film 4k pentru plăcerea ta de vizionare. Este posibil ca aceste două iahturi să nu mai fie niciodată pe o rază de 1 milă unul de celălalt. Bucurați-vă.
2 iahturi. 1 miliard de dolari – Primire exclusivă a iahtului cu vele și a iahtului cu motor A – 4k
20 thoughts on “2 iahturi. 1 miliard de dolari – Primire exclusivă a iahtului cu vele și a iahtului cu motor A – 4k”
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I don’t understand the concept of sundecks from where you can’t see the environment because it’s all closed walls. The SYA is wasted money!
The design ist out of this world .
They are unique 👍.Looks like 👽 vessels ❤️. Andrey must be paying $70 M per year for these.
This yatch called 'A Yatch'… cant wait for the next Billionaire with his 'B Yatch' (Bitch)…
M/Y A looks like something out of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen lol
When the world ends this guys free
Dwayne wade ran into this on the ocean
Wonderful sailing yacht … I met it twice and hope for a next one . Great boat … terrible music.
Can you imagine you are with that boat on the left (0:28), thinking how big your boat is ? Which acctually is, but…well…you know. 😄
they who say 'money can't buy happiness' can eat shit
This yacht seems to built to avoid observation from cameras on boats or on periscopes of submarines, and to prevent invasion of navy SEALs from sea. The bridge and passenger in it can't be watched except from ahead, its windows are all enclosed with shutters. There are no step area around hull, and her deck level is very high.
Finally, this yacht equips sails, therefore is able to voyage without engines and propellers. This means she can voyage perfectly in sound stealth to avoid sonar contact from submarines.
I also heard this ship equiped an anti-CCD camera system which detects CCD sensor and irradiates laser to the camera.
May this yacht used illegal business meetings of international level such as smuggling ?
"These two yachts may never be within a 1 mile radius of each other ever again." why do you think that the owner keeps them particularly separated?
О вот моторная яхта А мне очень нравится! Зачетно выглядит.
Yeah this thing is gonna make a great floating hotel for some Ukrainian refugees. And afterwards, a first class practice target for NATO navy vessels.
Its amazing what the russian people freely give to putin and his circle of friends to look after their country
One down! One to go!
Currently seized by Italian authorities.
I’m sure the Russian people must enjoy watching how their sovereign wealth was stolen to build this monstrosity.