A umbla la este o abilitate importantă care este adesea trecută cu vederea. Este o tactică excelentă de furtună și poate fi folosită pentru a „parca” barca în apă deschisă, prea adâncă pentru a ancora. Îți recomand să exersezi zgomotul pe vreme frumoasă, așa că atunci când lucrurile sunt grele, poți să o faci fără să te gândești prea mult.
Învățând să navighezi: cum să te înclini

20 thoughts on “Învățând să navighezi: cum să te înclini”
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I’m late to seeing this excellent channel. I don’t recognize this specific boat but it seems small and doesn’t have a tiller. Any idea what boat this is?
The mystery explained
Sounds like a good way to get below deck with the lady without having to find an anchorage 😉 Im gonna test this out soon. Unfortunately today its rainy.
Excellent 👍
I guess using the traveler is beneficial because in the event the boat gets turned around in a bad storm or with waves it keeps the boom from swinging across the deck? Can you explain you reasoning for doing it this way. I have also been pondering the debate on keeping the main close hauled while hove to. what are your thoughts on this? also should main be flapping or filled a little? thank you!
Do you understand Heading and track. Going give to cand be used while having a kip. And if done most often you can sleep while the boat slowly takes you on your way. Never dead on track but better than not making way at all.
Another tip is, when you "heave to" on a starboard tac, you are the "stand-on" vessel.
great video and demonstration, thanks~
You videos are great . I am a novice sailor. While I understand most of the terminology it still time to mentally process all the information. It would help if you explain in ordinary language all sailing terms. I have my day skipper ticket and I own a 46 foot Beneteau. I came to sailing at 60 years old .Most instructors have sailed for years .These terms are ingrained mentally. Not so for a novice.
That was really good, concise. Thanks
Such a calm presentation! I advocate heaving to routinely so that it becomes as natural as tying a shoe. Very useful.
Thanks for the great video!
Can you provide a reference for your claim at 2:33.
Who came here after the chapter we are not afraid to die
🕵️♂️🕵️♂️ like
I’ve been struggling to understand this sailing concept. Thank you so much for this amazing educational video
My boat doesn't have a traveler, nor any built-in means of locking the steering. Mmmm.
Nice video. However, you end up hove-to on a port tack. Your boat is still "under way." If possible, IMO, you should be on a starboard tack so that you will not be obligated to move the boat to give way to another sail boat.
Next time…one idea…if you heave to on starboard tack you have right of way over other sailing vessels. In this video you are hove to on a port tack…which means you have to avoid another sailing vessel on a starboard tack.
My problem with heaving to is that your upwind jib sheet or in your demonstration part of the jib is straining against the shroud. How do you prevent the sheet wearing through if you need to stay in that position for several hours?
Great video ! Thank you