Ce a făcut Emirates Team New Zealand să fie mai rapidă barca din America’s Cup și ar putea fi îmbunătățită formula AC50? ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – https://www.youtube.com/user/yachtingworld?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http:/ /www.yachtingworld.com ► Dați-ne Like pe Facebook aici – https://www.facebook.com/yachtingworldmagazine ►Urmărește-ne pe Twitter aici – https://twitter.com/yachtingworld ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut
Chris Draper analizează formula câștigătoare a Emirates Team New Zealand | Lumea Yachtingului

31 thoughts on “Chris Draper analizează formula câștigătoare a Emirates Team New Zealand | Lumea Yachtingului”
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Great interview
Always great hearing Chris' well educated views.
Chris has a valid point, what every one is for getting, Team ETNZ came in last too this regatta, and team Oracle won the preliminary races and were 1 point up before the finishes start, the fact is ETNZ as Abby from TVNZ you guy's have been foxing all the way along and to learn so fast, point here technology, dragger boards, cyclers, x box control box, there are all things that has been spoken prior and during this regatta, so they did their homework before they came too this regatta 2 days before the start while all the other teams, they knew the course, weather conditions, some been in Bermuda 2 years before this event took place. So they had all the advantage over Team ETNZ in match racing and so on and so forth.
The thing that pointed out is that the first 4 races team ETNZ came out and they cleaned up, This weekend after 5 day break to improve wind speed and make theses adjustments for team Oracle, they improved at what cost because they admitted too many mistakes & errors in day 2 of todays races and with only 1 more win for team ETNZ the event is handed over to team ETNZ and departs back to New Zealand shores.
Team ETNZ had a lot hinging on from the previous America's cup, almost closing shop today it has been proven they got the best people, new team, younger and willing to be open and to learn, technology, speed, less mistakes, they had a total package that have never had to make any major changes as team Oracle had too.
Tomorrow is a new day, new beginning and both teams now have to focus of crossing the line first so all the best Motto " Who Dears Wins" tomorrow is again day for racing 35th America's Cup 27 June 2017.
Big mono hulls!! Volvo Ocean class boats would be fun to watch.
I think the course needs to be bigger (wider and longer) not match racing in a hallway. Or go back to monohulls. But to make it worthy now ..it would have to be the 90'LWL behemoth moth class? is that possible?
great input ,the one thing that sucks about this current event is the free live coverage and thats why i want emirates team nz to win because the americans have taken the viewer out of this event and placed it in the rich an famous hands.we use to watch it live on youtube. rock on tnz
You would think that with airbus as a sponsor, oracle would have the edge in fluid dynamics and flight control
By far the best synopsis so far. Great questions rewarded with equally great answers. A performance to rival TNZ's. Well done Yachting World.
I think the Youth Americas Cup had much more interesting races with more basic and more physical smaller foiling cats – fleet racing, winches rather than grinders/cyclors. I'd like to see similar boats used with a mix of a knockout round of fleet racing followed by final of match racing between the top 4 teams so it shows off both aspects of the sport.
I reckon that the 4 other teams became "in-bred" technically during their long time together in Bermuda.
Engines on a yacht! Those dreadful mockeries they have now are bad enough! Bring back mono hulls and grace
Talk, talk, talk and no sailing
Oracle making errors because the tech changes they've made has virtually created a new development program for the sailing crew. Hard to adapt so quickly in a simple testing environment; virtually impossible in the white hot cauldron of match racing. All this Oracle drama points to one thing – their design team failed to produce fast and stable enough in the first place. They're paying for it now.
The AC class rules allow 60V of stored electricity. Reckon the flying kiwis are rocking out on a bit of AC/DC?
It's not the boat it's an Australian skipper past his prime. The speed of these boats require cool fast declension making. Rookie mistakes like getting badly hooked at the start, running past the course limits and dropping the hulls into the water can not produce wins. Is there a backup skipper for Oracle? How about an American skipper sailing for America????
Excises, excuses! pffffft! Just beaten by a better team with superior tactics, boat, and utilization of far fewer resources! Say what you like, it doesn't change facts!
You-tube next time!
I fully support the idea that there be an additional power source, because the recent class rules for AC, Volvo etc. have put too much emphasis on brute muscle power and strength, while still requiring sailing skill and finesse. This emphatically excludes women from top-level team crewed sailing, unlike single-handed big boat sailing, or earlier editions of the Whitbread and Volvo ocean races, where women have been competitive. The classes should be designed in such a way that they are not restricted mainly to very strong guys. Sailing isn't rowing or cycling! (The Volvo organisers recognised this, and the Volvo 60 boats are easier to handle, with scoring incentives to include more women in the crews).
Thanks for an accurate headline. This really was "Emirates Team New Zealand."
Virtually everything involved with the winning team from clothing to the sail had "Emirates" on it. They, rather that the Kiwis, seem to have provided most of the money. If I were a New Zealander, I'd find that depressing. There's no glory in being a hired hand.
7:58: it's not difficult to know where it should go. Back to the 12m class.
The best thing about ETNZ winning is that everyday people will once again be able to see these boats fly on the water!
Glad we beat that horrible Ainslie. What an arrogant man. He sure can't stand us Kiwis either.
The boats won't be at the next Americas cup, bring back real match racing with mono hulls
Now it is NEW ZEALAND that makes the rules , Difference is we make will make fair and even . Not like the aussie team ,opps i mean the american team
Peter Burling MNZM is the 2017 America's Cup champion helmsman, Olympic gold and silver medallist He won four consecutive 49er World Championships, two 420 class World Championships and the 2015 Moth World Championships
the thing is if it really came to a match racing race thats when the cyclors would have truly proved effective but they didnt really have to race that way so GG
Team Nz found loopholes in the rules???? Lol no they were just better than everyone else.
A Basic mistake USA the weather [ wind ] has been constant for the last 4 years , So why set for high winds , DICKS
I think the first thing everyone needs to remember is that Team NZ didn't take the money to lose eight races in a row like in 2013.
Chris was right on point when thinking that the boats will change. Right on point!
8.50 Team Emirates NZ. What? Hold my beer! Looking forward to a great event in 2021, if the world hasn't gone stark raving mad by then.