Navigați cu o superbă barcă peste Atlantic într-un timp record

Navigați cu o superbă barcă peste Atlantic într-un timp record

Chiar și cele mai descurajante recorduri mondiale sunt menite să fie doborâte… în cele din urmă. Pentru navigatorul de elită Stan Honey și pentru un echipaj de navigație all-stars, depășirea prestigiosului record de navigație transatlantică cu monococă a fost cea mai mare realizare. Și nu a fost o operație ușoară. Pe 22 iulie 2016, Comanche – un iaht de curse de 100 de picioare construit la comandă – a pornit de la New York până la vârful sudic al Angliei. Tocmai cinci zile, 14 ore, 21 de minute și 25 de secunde mai târziu, echipajul lui Comanche a doborât recordul mondial… cu mai mult de o zi. Încurajează marea liberă în timp ce pornim într-una dintre cele mai uimitoare și inspirate călătorii care au avut loc vreodată în film. „Comanche: Across the Atlantic” este un mare film realizat în parteneriat cu Land Rover ( ABONAȚI-VĂ: Aveți o idee de poveste pentru noi? Trimite-ne un e-mail la hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com Urmărește-ne în culise pe Instagram: Fă-ne cunoștință pe Facebook: Spune-ne un strigăt pe Twitter: Vino stai cu noi pe Vimeo: Vizitează-ne lumea direct:


39 thoughts on “Navigați cu o superbă barcă peste Atlantic într-un timp record

  1. I've been across both the Atlantic and Pacific by ship and I can tell you that they are both very, very big. BIG,…very, very big. LARGE! You are less than a speck in both oceans. Very, very scary and awe inspiring at the same time. A great boat and a great accomplishment.

  2. It is time for us all to learn to sail over the ocean like those rich Boys do, because the Flights or Ship Rides over the Oceans will cost too much soon. And if you meet one of those rich boyo's Boats – A 20mm Gun on your boat might be a good Thing to have. Just to tell them how nice it is to meet them.

  3. We found a green corridor of weather let's go now and leave that man behind 
    Next day: thunderstorm 
    So why did you leave that man behind then? 
    What a total scam, fake shit especially not to take him.

  4. Stunning feat. For non-sailors, sailing is a full involvement sport. You're constantly trimming and adapting the boat to the wind.

  5. I've literally never once cared or even thought about sailing or sail boats. In the last few weeks however I've become obsessed with watching
    these types of videos of people sailing across the deep ocean blue! There's another guys channel I follow and he sails solo all around the world
    and it's such an entertaining/relaxing vibe watching his content. I can't get enough now! I'm terrified of the ocean but would love to sail at some
    point in my life. Would rather a lake than an ocean, but who knows?

  6. Pfffft I took my kayak across the Atlantic during a hurricane with no food and water and made it in two days. Sadly no one knew about it so I never got my credit. I paid $50 for my kayak and only had one paddle. I caught food with my bare hands and even ate a 7’ shark… raw! I saw seven UFO’s on my journey and two mermaids. I picked up Bigfoot along the way who was swimming to Ireland. I’d erase all this bs I wrote but I’m in too deep now so might as well let it go.

  7. Why 4 hours on 4 hours off? You have the same number of people hours no matter how you do it, so why not 16 hours on 8 hours off? With a crew of many surely there is not difference except that people would be well rested. Wouldn’t that be an advantage?

  8. 8:53 "It felt a bit like launch day for Nasa. You're waiting for that exact window…" except "you have to be ready at any moment"
    At Nasa, there may be something logistically that changes the timing, but things have to be calculated so it won't be as unexpected

  9. Why is there no women or minorities on this craft? Wow. Racism is so loud on this page. I love you guys. 💪🏻. I’m joking 🙃

  10. This is another of those things that humans do that has no good answer to the question, Why? Like climbing to the top of a mountain… WHY?
    'Cause it's there" is the common response. But I can't help thinking, so what? How is the world a better place because of what you've accomplished?
    I can't think of any answer except "It isn't."

  11. The name of boat coming from an north american indian tribe name. Those indigenous people were hunted diwn by brits and american whites. Who is this connected to ocean sailing???? I cannot get it.

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