Navigați din Europa în Noua Zeelandă – Sailing L’Attitude – Ep 1

Navigați din Europa în Noua Zeelandă - Sailing L'Attitude - Ep 1

Bun venit la primul episod din Sailing L’Attitude cu Adam și Sarah. Ne-am cumpărat o barcă și am început aventura călătorind din Mediterana până acasă până în Noua Zeelandă. Începem pe insula Corsica și ne îndreptăm spre sud, spre Sardinia. Sora mea mai mică distractivă și partenerul ei ni s-au alăturat pentru această primă etapă a călătoriei și a fost cu siguranță util să-i avem la bord în timpul procesului de dentiție! Am avut o perioadă epică navigând în jurul acestor părți ale Mediteranei și sperăm să vă bucurați de el. Pentru a afla mai multe informații, inclusiv câteva biografii lungi și minunate și informații despre iahtul nostru fabulos, nu ezitați să consultați site-ul nostru. De asemenea, urmați oricare dintre linkurile de mai jos pentru a fi la curent cu unde ne aflăm și ce se întâmplă pe barcă. Site: Instagram: Facebook: Credit muzical: Six60 – Forever https://www. Capecub – Swim – Andreas Moe – Ocean – Grouplove – Bună dimineața (Madison Mars remix ) Baynk – Poolside SMiTHMUSiX – Don’t Need You ft. Evolsi ivoryoasis/smithmusix-nu-aveți nevoie-de-vă-evolsi


20 thoughts on “Navigați din Europa în Noua Zeelandă – Sailing L’Attitude – Ep 1

  1. Hi guys, it looks like your having an absolutely amazing time. It looks like Sarah is doing all the work or is that just because Adam is camera shy hehe. Lizzy your hillarious.

    Keep the episodes coming.


  2. I just stumbled across this video almost by mistake. I was expecting to see not very good quality and shaky video with not so good narration and poor sound. I assumed that it would go too fast or be boringly slow. I am soooooo happy to tell you that you have proved me wrong on all accounts 🙂 . You have a new subscriber. Enjoy your voyage, keep it real and always stay safe. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love the videos! Thanks for sharing. I love how humble you all are. Adam – "just finished a job", never mentioning that "the Job" was racing in the Americas Cup. No big deal ;-). Looking forward to seeing more. Safe travels.

  4. Wow! Very inspirering. Love the video, music and especially the perfect balance between sailing content, beautiful places and comments. Thank you so much for sharing. I Subscribed. From Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Fair winds and save sailing!

  5. How do you guys not have more subscribers?? Must be something broken with the @youtube algorithm. Early days and great quality. +1

  6. Towing your tender must be cutting your avg speed down by around .5 knots..just calm across your sailing site so catching up from the beginning.

  7. The introduction should have mentioned that Adam hasn't won Volvo Ocean Race, twice 😉 Just figured that out after watching, I think, most of your episodes and then suddenly seeing his mug on a snippet about racing.

  8. Did you buy the boat in Corsica and how old is she? If you could tell me how you bought her and why you choose Beneteau also that would be great. Thinking of doing the same thing . Great videos just found you guys 😊

  9. Hi guys….started watching your videos from the Tuamotus. You both have inspired me to watch your journey from the beginning. We were on our cat Loco for close to 2 years. We are finishing off our vids at a very slow pace.

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