Navigați Irlanda pe o navă înaltă (4K)

Navigați Irlanda pe o navă înaltă (4K)

Căpitanul Vladimir a construit această navă incredibilă înaltă cu mâinile goale și cu un ferăstrău cu lanț. A avut un vis și l-a transformat în realitate. Nu lăsați scuzele să vă împiedice să vă urmăriți cele mai sălbatice vise! Partea 1 – Turul navei Partea 2 – Cel mai nebunesc lucru pe care l-am făcut vreodată Instagram https: // SnapChat LostLeBlanc Twitter LostLeBlanc Facebook LostLeBlanc Canalul lui Shtandart: Cântece: Pirates of the Caribbean – Auckland Symphony Tribal – Monstercat Calvin Harris – Thinking About You (Tez Cadey remix) ) Neptun: Loch Lomond Wax and Wire The Adventure Begins 2: Muzică fără drepturi de autor AICI: –– ––––––––––– Întrebări frecvente: -Ce cameră și echipament folosiți? -Ce folosiți pentru a vă edita videoclipurile? FCPX iunie 2016


39 thoughts on “Navigați Irlanda pe o navă înaltă (4K)

  1. Scene set with great shots from a beautiful ship and then…. BAM, UGLY PEOPLE FOLLOWED BY ADS!

  2. Ik this video is old but I randomly wondered if there are still old wooden ships being sailed today. This looks so freaking cool, looks exactly like what a pirate life would be 😂

  3. I heard about this recently and I really want to go. It's been a childhood dream of mine. Hope you sang Health to the Company on your last day haha!

  4. Modern ship is ugly why dont we go back to the air ones we are just wasting money for fuel its good to have a sailing ship so no more Wasting money buying fuel

  5. ships like these are great for operating a pirate radio station (in AM mode) because there is no interférence from eletric wires

  6. I have this dream of owning a Wooden Frigate like this to sail in the ocean. If anybody knows where I can get one in America lease let me know 🙏

  7. I long for the day, if it ever comes, when ships like this will one day set sail upon the seas again. It would also most definitely be a more sustainable method in my opinion.

  8. Ill never understand why people wear a hoodie jacket or something with a good, even a beanie but they have to put some of their hair outside. Why? You look stooooopeeed

  9. Dimitri at 12:55 lived the true life of a sailor. Joined at 12 and grew to the officer’s post. To think there is at least one person on earth who has still lived that life is astounding.

  10. Change flag to Ucrainia to flee dictatorship. A Population which Not defends their freedom Not her diserves. I dont seeany difference between Putin and Hitler. Th only way Out for russia ist a revolution top wipe Putins dictat of rship Out and to Return to demovracy, including crews of naval artillery target ships.

  11. Ugh famous for being famous… So much fluff in the first few minutes…. But WAIT there's a link for his course on how you too can irritate people with overproduced superficial videos… Or maybe it's just a pyramid scheme to further line his pockets… If you're the target audience for this, then you're the target audience for this.

  12. Благослови Тебе Бог за гарне Відео.трансляція просто шикарна показана з любовью теплотою.а пароплав як пливе чудно.успіхів Вам у всьому бажаємо.краще краще дивитись Ваше відео чим якийсь фільм.

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