Prima noastră plimbare prin SwissCat S48 de la premiera sa la Salonul Multicoca Grande Motte 2017. SwissCat S48 este un crucișător de performanță în apă albastră destinat cuplurilor care navighează pe distanțe lungi și este foarte personalizabil SwissCat S48 | Prima privire | Yachting World ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http :// ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook aici – ►Urmărește-ne pe Twitter aici – ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut
SwissCat S48 | Prima privire | Lumea Yachtingului

15 thoughts on “SwissCat S48 | Prima privire | Lumea Yachtingului”
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Look forward to more on this one
The frame rate on this video seems quite low.
They didn't even bother to make the beds for the visit of Yachting World…
nice one!
Why am I looking at that!?!? It is way better than I can afford, but I continue looking it! Happily……

what is the price of that cat?
in this setup
why do you move the dagger boards up and down? is that for port or for tacking?
From the look of the construction it is designed for serious blue water cruising. I wonder if all it's bits and bobs are easily accessible for servicing? Nice design and layout, with 2 beds you can sleep in at sea.
they call it a SwissCat does that mean it's made in Switzerland ?
Nice video Toby. Somewhere along the line you seem to lose interest. I agree, space could be better utilized. If you were to buy a boat say less than $2M, what would you buy? a cat? a mono hull? a trimaran? Please let me know your favorite boat.
Tiny cockpit for a yacht this size.
Very little info, engine, Saul drive? Depth, carpentry, is it Grp below water line? Helm position shelter? Sail area / performance? Options? Price? Review at sea? Etc,etc.
Needs to do his homework a bit better.
All these fancy cats are for cruising in the Tropics. Are there any that have the aft cockpit enclosed, or a center cockpit?
Straighten the bedding