Erika navighează într-o croazieră de duminică în fiordurile frumoasei Norvegie, iarna.
Fată norvegiană cu navigație de iarnă

50 thoughts on “Fată norvegiană cu navigație de iarnă”
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Erika navighează într-o croazieră de duminică în fiordurile frumoasei Norvegie, iarna.
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1 thousandth liker after 2 years
Permission to come aboard captain
Your editing is terrific. Love how you tell your journey and story. Wow great finish. Loved it!
Very nice….hi form turkey
Возьми меня к себе

My swedish side of me is anamored but the viking in me wants to wrestle
I guess you don't make many videos because you have to save up for each trip.
What is this, SailingMusicTelevision? It's a music video with sailing footage – thought we'd get to hear from you about your journey. Bummer. Back to binging Wind Hippie and Gone with the Wynns vids.
Wauu..mi sueño…llévame contigo..

Lovely film, I stayed near Trondheim this year on the fjord, absolutely loved it. Its wonderful to see the water in the winter, I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I will return. Thank you for reminding me about the beauty of Norway.
<3 beautiful stuff
Norway is stunning. Thank you for the footage
Not 1 meter of sailing in this video…
Hi Erika. Been a while… hope to some more videos. Safe travels
wow never seen a sail that works with fuel
Awesome video captan

can i join y
Where are the sails?
Me and my friend have been to Norway and we loved it
What boat is that?
Lovely. Although I though it would be about sailing..? …which would be demanding in the wintertime. Solo. For any gender.
what garbage
Sailing or cruising? World of difference
Vakkert landskap! Jeg trodde handlet om å seile med seil. Utrolig at du har en så flott båt. Så morsomt!
Beautiful video
I guess the vessel doesn't have sails, so why the video has "sailing" in its name?
This is not sailing
What kind of boat do you have? Looks like a trawler and not a sailboat. Awesome vid and editing!
There's some mystical connection here, a lovely lady in tune with the muses of the seas, tending to her ship, another lovely lady of the waves. May the winds and tides be move gently on your masts and keels!
Beautiful. No more words needed…..
Beautiful !
"tell me norwegian girl, how to enter your world"
Hey du virker kul og søt , men hvor er seilene dine haha og masten. Digger det der seilbåt livet og skal nok få det til selv. håper du har det hyggelig ute og seilir og koser deg hilsen.
You Handel your Boat very well

Hej Erika. Fantastiske videoer du laver! Og sikken et eventyr du er på
Jeg er nysgerrig. At sejle nordatlanten, kan ikke være for amatører, derfor tænker jeg, at du uddannet navigatør eller er vokset op i Aalesund og har saltvand i årene? Det er et vidunderlig skib du sejler. Kæmpe inspiration – tak!
You motored. Not sailing.
Motoring, not sailing.