Navigați în lume pe un BUGET (8 SFATURI)!

Navigați în lume pe un BUGET (8 SFATURI)!

Modul ULTIME de a călători. Te-ai gândit vreodată să navighezi în jurul lumii? Pentru cei neexperimentați și cei care au un buget este total posibil. Vă împărtășim cele 8 sfaturi fierbinți pentru a vă ajuta să vă îndreptați. Citiți mai multe despre el pe blogul nostru! ** ** Nu uitați să ne dați like pe Facebook! Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: Abonează-te la noul nostru site sexy pentru blog postări și actualizări! Credit cântec: 00:00 Adam Yoo – Divine Întrebări frecvente Ce camere folosim? CAMERA MARE: ALTĂ CAMERA MARE: CAMERA LA MÂNĂ: GOPRO: DRONE: Ce software folosim? Premiere Pro


35 thoughts on “Navigați în lume pe un BUGET (8 SFATURI)!

  1. Tip #9. 1. Somehow convince the lovely Elayna to join you on your cruise and allow herself to be featured on your Patreon-supported YouTube vlog. 2. Watch revenue fill your coffers as young men drooling over Elayna tune in my the millions. Watch revenue fill your coffers as older men drooling over Elayna tune in my the millions. Watch revenue fill your coffers as women drooling over Elayna tune in my the millions. 3. Be cool like Riley, treating Elayna like a princess and all the while never letting on to the viewers that you can hardly believe what a lucky dog you are.

  2. Its my dream later to find me a good girl and Sail around the world whit her and make her happy whit gifts and all that and Maybe we could have a kid because i think kid is pretty fun be around and ecpecially whit ur own kid having fun raising HIM

  3. Gosh I seriously SERIOUSLY want to do this!! I literally have that adrenaline butterfly feeling right now! But soon as I think, "i dont have a lady" i get bummed.. I wish the hell I knew where these guys find these kind of women.. I swear.. They must really know where to hide out..

  4. How do you deal with sea sickness? Thats why I sold my boat never figured that one out Quells just make you drowsy- ginger takes aweful throwing up burley and acupressure is hit and miss. Noted only feed fish when the boat stops bt a boat doesn't always move. Do you haven tips or it just doesn't affect you?

  5. Very nice.. always watching.. i started vlogging pls subcribes to🤩🤩 i love sailing and working with a beautiful spirit 74 classic yacht..

  6. I want to try sailing on someone's yacht, but I'm afraid I will have a sea seakness and will be a burden instead of a helper. Does anyone have any ideas on this?

  7. Wished I’d met you guy’s in Opua NZ been following you looking at a boat cat hope to own it by Sunday it’s the start.Can’t match you don’t look like a rock star I’m 76 bit more like a beat up Holden in the outback.

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