Uraganul Irma și impactul Mariei asupra pieței de yachting

Uraganul Irma și impactul Mariei asupra pieței de yachting

Iată părerea mea despre piața de iahturi și catamaran după uraganul Irma și Maria. Punctul meu de vedere vine din faptul că mă aflu în Insulele Virgine prin uraganul Irma, mă aflu în Puerto Rico înainte de Maria și sunt în contact direct cu inspectorii marini care se ocupă de procesul de asigurare în Caraibe. Dacă aveți întrebări legate de uraganul Irma sau Maria, vă rugăm să nu ezitați să contactați. Pentru informații despre Fondul comunitar de ajutor maritim al Insulelor Virgine, vă rugăm să consultați linkul de mai jos. http://www.cfvi.net/donate/hurricanerelief.php Wiley Sharp 561 613 8985 Wiley@DenisonYachtSales.com


43 thoughts on “Uraganul Irma și impactul Mariei asupra pieței de yachting

  1. Good to have a non emotional feedback that is balanced and researched rather than a knee jerk commentary. Keep up the good work Wiley.

  2. Great info. I have seen the YouTube info that you respectfully referenced. It was very concerning. Thanks for bringing a new light to subject. We wish you and your neighboring islands a fast recovery.

  3. A lot of people just will start thinking about the not so nice part of cat owning. I expect offer to increase and prices of hardware to decrease. Insurance etc will go up for sure.

  4. All businesses are going or are doing the same. Building and home care supplies are on the rise. When things run out in the US, canada will be sell at above market prices. Water filters, fuel, food, all the same. If I were looking for a Boat, I would wait. Boats are easy to repair, but very time consuming. And there is going to be a lot of used parts on the market. Someone with common sense skills can acquire, and repair a boat for less than half of its July value. Smarten up people, don't jump to conclusions.

  5. Hey! I think I saw one of those yacht broker videos that you derided. I can't afford a yacht right now, or maybe ever. I try to save up, but then emergencies always seem to come up that eat up the savings. But as a dreamer, I like to hear that all is not lost. If I could afford one, I'd surely be looking YOU up to be the broker.

  6. Wiley – Not sure how I crossed your channel but I really enjoy your updates and appreciate your integrity and contributions to the community. There may be a balance between your optimism and the doom and gloom others are portraying (ie. Fretz) . I noticed on the DYC site that they admit 60% of their fleet in St. Martin and the BVI's has been totaled. They also mention that they have placed orders for 20 yachts for delivery by year end. Not sure the average Joe can get at the front of the line like that. Looks like HYC also purchased an entire fleet of 30 yachts in Martinique for movement to the BVI's. I think the bigger question to explore is the propensity for folks to book charters until basic infrastructure is operational, much less key destinations like Saba, BEYC, Cooper, Jost, etc. We are lucky enough to have a sailing yacht in charter that survived, but needs quite a bit of work. We are unable to make Annapolis, so any insights from the show on supply and demand for yacht charters in the BVI's would be an awesome topic for a video review!

  7. Hey Wiley… I've sailed thru VIP Yacht Charters and CYOA Yacht Carters… while working and living in St.Thomas USVI for over 5 years. I've sailed the BVI then, and until now. I've contributed to CYOA Crew funds… but I'd like to know about how they all faired… I like  your site, and I'll follow your comments.  I'm concerned about CYOA… Yacht Haven Grand in St.Thomas… as well as Foxy on Jost, and Quito at Cane Garden Bay, Tortola…. I know that Tony Snells place in Trellis Bay… Marina Cay…. Cooper… and the Indians… etc… all of them… and Anagada… Those folks are my friends, and and my love the sailing the Caribbean… When you have time… Let me know their status… and I'll be watching your site.. to find out when you think we can sail the US, and BVI Virgins again.  Take care. Capt'n Rick Ealy… retired but still sailing, Jackson, Mississippi, USA.

  8. Each location has experienced a unique impact. To lump them together is a bizarre approach. St Martin and Virgin Gorda are far different than the USVI and PR. Some are Cat 2 and some are Cat 5  from  a damage standpoint.

  9. Awesome…good for you to call out shameful brokers! We've been actively looking for a 44 or 45 lagoon and will be in the market to buy within a year….will get on touch with you. Question…if we came down to west coast of Florida in Feb to look a t a few catamarans could you line up what's on the market at the time?

  10. I am so fortunate to have met you this past week, an honest broker…wow, he really is as nice as he seems 🙂 Can't wait to do business with you!!!

  11. Great work,  good for you. If I was ready to buy a boat I'd give you a shot. Maybe in a few years I'll be ready.  Ethics matters.

  12. Thanks Wiley- My husband and I were beginning the talks with some Cat / brokerages in the BVI- of course that all came to a screeching halt. Now we wait and see what the future holds, but our early retirement plans have been put on hold. We may be reaching out to you for informtion

  13. Mr. Sharp would you be my broker? What’s your take on buying a hurricane damaged catamaran fixing the boat and go sailing around the world?

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