Cum să: Acostare | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Cum să: Acostare |  Barcă cu motor și iahting

Acostarea unei bărci este de obicei simplă, dar există reguli pe care trebuie să le rețineți. Videoclipul nostru la îndemână vă ajută să știți unde, când și cum să ancorați. ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a YBWTV acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http:// ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook aici – ►Urmărește-ne pe Twitter aici – ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


28 thoughts on “Cum să: Acostare | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. +ybwtv,
    Great to see another training video John. Even though I’m not an owner, did my time on air sea rescue training launches and we used to teach and practice these techniques on much larger (220 ton and 80 foot) boats. 
    Nice new boat too.
    Thanks again, jonathan

  2. very good tutorial enjoyed the simple relaxed stress free and clear dialogue, the bow line to stern to the buoy was educational, shame there are not more of these yacht technique tutorials – thank you

  3. I hope that radar dome telescopes up because otherwise it looks like the radio waves are hitting the back of his head as he sits at the flybridge helm, and driving at speed underway with bow raised a few degrees means greater chance of those radio waves passing through your head. I've seen a lot of boats set up that way, why? Worse if he stands at the fly helm at speed.

  4. Gotta love how all of these tutorials are done with a twin engine boat, lots of room, no wind, no sea, perfect conditions with crew. Lets see one done single engine, single handed, very restricted area & 20+kts of wind. Real world for some of us.

  5. Tried mooring to a buoy for the first time on Bank Holiday weekend – remembered the reverse up then walked the line to the bow of the boat. So easy to do and stress free 🙂 My partner was so impressed that on a first go I knew what to do.

  6. you absolutely murdered that bow thruster you shouldn't use it more than 3 seconds without releasing it , it can get toasted..

  7. Thank you for this. I'm new and my concern is what you mentioned about the buoy line getting caught in the prop. How do you know where the line is to avoid it if you can't see through the water? This is very helpful thank you so much.

  8. I've been boating over 50 years and find Mr. Mendez's videos essential for every new boater and a great refresher for a seasoned sailor like myself. Clear, calm and instructive, I recommend his series (along with a copy of Chapman's) to all of my boating colleagues. Well done !

  9. Hi, quick question. My wife and I did a night on a mooring bouy recently. However the stern kept swinging left and right through 90 degrees constantly. Thus was wondering was my line to short? Would a longer mooring line reduce this? Found i got a tad queezy looking at a constantly changing horizon 🤢

  10. Ok! That was great! That last technique seems invaluable. Can I ask…how do you know a buoy is a mooring buoy and not a lobster pot or something? And do you need permission to tie to a mooring buoy?….as some mooring buoys will be privately owned and placed there by people who have paid for the privilege.

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