Navigați cu un Amel 55 în 360! Nava cu vele Delos

Navigați cu un Amel 55 în 360!  Nava cu vele Delos

Acesta este un videoclip 360! În sfârșit, am reușit să încărcăm acest material și ne-am gândit că v-ar plăcea să vedeți mai multe acțiuni de navigație în 360 din călătoria noastră la La Rochelle de acum câteva luni! Așa că luați-vă iPad-ul, Androidul, căștile VR sau orice alt dispozitiv nebun care există în aceste zile și vedeți câteva fotografii ale Amel 55. Sper să vă placă! Abonați-vă la Aceasta este povestea noastră, o poveste a trei suflete care navighează în jurul lumii. Este o poveste despre navigație și călătorie și aventură. Dar este și o poveste despre întâlnirea cu oameni minunați și despre a-ți face prieteni pe viață. Este o poveste a oamenilor care își trăiesc viața într-un mod alternativ, în strânsă legătură cu oamenii frumoși și planeta uimitoare pe care le numim acasă. Experiența noastră ne-a afectat atât de profund încât dorim să o împărtășim, în speranța că alții vor găsi inspirație pentru a-și urma visele și a face ceea ce le place. Pentru mai multe navigații în jurul World Action! Alătură-te Tribului SV Delos! – Echipament pentru cameră! – Sprijină-ne pe Patreon pentru filmări nevăzute. – Abonați-vă la noul nostru site minunat – Urmărește-ne pe Instagram pentru mai multe imagini din culise – Apreciază-ne pe Facebook http: // – Dacă vă place ceea ce vedeți, trimiteți-ne unul rece 😉 – Susține-ne și cumpără un tricou dulce Delos! Trimite-ne dragoste. Iubim navigația, adorăm călătoriile și adorăm să facem videoclipuri despre asta! Suntem doar la jumătatea drumului în jurul lumii, așa că mai sunt multe de văzut! Sprijinul dvs. va finanța echipamente de cameră mai bune, internet pentru a încărca videoclipuri și, desigur, lubrifianți creativi pentru a ușura procesul de editare 🙂 Sprijiniți videoclipurile noastre – Cumpărați-ne unul rece. Acest lucru este posibil de TU! Așa că vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru toată dragostea și sprijinul pe care ni le transmiteți! Inseamna mult! Multă dragoste, Karin, Brian și Brady SV Delos


46 thoughts on “Navigați cu un Amel 55 în 360! Nava cu vele Delos

  1. Have followed ya'll for a long time. Great videos, but this one was a very poor quality. This is from my husband, not me, by the way. We both watch your videos. Love from us!

  2. Love the 360 format!! My browser on my Mac doesn't support it but my phone does. How cool! It had me turning in circles. What make of camera do you have?

  3. Really enjoyed the 3D video! Take care with the cuts though & where ppl are in relation to the camera centre….Brian has an odd head at times, morphing in and out of reality! 😆

  4. While I agree Delos has soul look at it this way. If Amel was to setup a new Amel 55 for Brian and crew they would be able to spend the next 20+ years sailing vs. the current boat possibly nearing its end of life. Things wear out. I would love to see Brian and the crew chasing the new adventure for many years to come. Anyway just a few thoughts from someone who has never sailed a day in his life.

  5. Guess I counldn't view it correctly on my computer. Really wasn't even a good boat tour of the Amel. Sorry, thumbs down on this one. Actually it's the only one I have ever given ya'll a thumbs down on.

  6. Delos is a great boat but y'all would be nuts to turn down a million dollar sailing yacht if the right opportunity arose.. Besides, why not sail BOTH?!

  7. Are fun Fu…ing kidding me. That was AWESOME filming. Made us right there. And on promotion and boats & Brands, new and old, ………….. so what? You do what you do that makes you happy and most of us will enjoy whatever it is. Keep on going where you are going……..

  8. Moves nicely with little breeze and flat water. Wonder how she'd be when it's blowing 35 w 12' seas??? A little too sterile looking for me, plus I'd get fat and lazy not having to grind a winch or something…

  9. OMG. This is a stunning video. It took me a few minutes to figure how to turn the camera. I thought the continuous shot in the cockpit was unusually long for a Delos video. Then I discovered the direction control in the top right corner of the screen. OMG. I can choose where to direct the camera!!! I've been watching Delos videos for a few months now. Initially watching episodes at random. Then I subscribed and found I could see ALL the videos from the start. AWESOME.
    I'm a landlubber living in Rockhampton, Queensland. If you ever cruise the east coast of Australia again please stop at the Rosslyn Bay Marina just south of Yeppoon. I'm sure there are Delos fans in the area. This is my first post so it will include a bunch of random ideas.
    The Amel you sail is a gorgeous boat (I'm no expert) but as you take us through fixing it, sailing in gnarly weather, cruising to deserted beaches, descriptions of costs, navigation and weather considerations etc I have learned an appreciation of what a quality blue water sail boat is. I always though cats would be better (more space) but your description of the better stability of the mono hull and the disadvantage of the rigidity of the cat has me thinking the mono hull is better.
    The 360 views of the Amel 55 are awesome. There is more room below and the interior lines are straighter and modern. Where would you mount Maddie? There are skylights all over the foredeck. Also I notice that when you catch a fish or your Amel there is a convenient groove across the aft deck to hold the fish still as you despatch it. There is no groove on the 55's aft deck. The transom on the 55 is more vertical compared to yours. Is this a plus or a minus?
    Personal comments. You guys, Brian, Karin, Brady are simply nice people who seem to be doing something you enjoy immensely. I comes through in the videos. On the other hand it is clear that you recognise that blue water sailing could be deadly for the unalert, you have the discipline which keeps you safe.
    Even when you make mistake you fess up and we the hapless viewer learn with you. I'm thinking of the episode when Brian crashed the drone into the rigging, ouch! And when the freezer stopped working, you spend time checking all the electrical and mechanicals and the solution was …. turn the switch on. lol
    You have given your viewers and patrons much pleasure for which I can't thank you enough.
    I'm new to subscribing to Youtube channels and when I figure out how to buy you a beer I will.
    Thanks for taking the time out of your busy lives to read this. You guys are truly inspirational.

  10. Lmao! The look on Brady's face when he went forward says " God can I get off camera for five seconds" lol. But as far as a boat deal. Brian is one sharp cookie. Free spirit or no, I'm betting that he's got an idea in mind. He's smart enough to know not to get trapped in some corporate deal without benefiting there free style approach to there life style. Who's to say that they haven't already spoke to him on various deals…….and he just didn't like that deal so far.

  11. Just watched this on my daydream headset. Awesome. Felt weird being stood next to Brian but not. Like a ghost I guess lol.
    I just wanted to say thank you for being so inspiring and I think amel should give you a boat. I had never heard of them before finding you guys and I have since reached out to North sea marine (UK amel agent.)
    Fair winds. X

  12. Haha, I love that y'all installed a seat on the front of yours and this newer model now comes with one! I don't know the timelines, but I'd like to think y'all inspired it!

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