Noduri pentru aripi – Sfaturi și trucuri

Noduri pentru aripi - Sfaturi și trucuri

Cum legați un aripioară? Fender Knots, există o mulțime de variații acolo. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei modalități fiabile de a le lega pe crampon sau pe balustradă, atunci urmăriți-l pe Sharm în timp ce vă duce prin câteva moduri de a le lega, inclusiv punerea unei alunecări în cârligul clasic de cuișoare. #fenderknots #Riviera #boatknots #knotslanding #marineknots #howtotieafendertoaboat //SUBSCRIBE AICI: ○ //URMĂȚI-NE: ○ pe Instagram: .com/rmarinejones/ ○ Facebook: //PENTRU MAI MULTE SFATURI ȘI TRUCURI: ○


28 thoughts on “Noduri pentru aripi – Sfaturi și trucuri

  1. The proper way to dress the clove hitch is to continue around the bar at the end, not leave it hang down. 😬

  2. interesting demonstration. slip clove for fender agteed. the use of your cleat is comical. A cleat of any sort is full wrap with 1 complete figure 8, this is proper and will hold. If you are showing a figure 8 with 2nd wrap wrapped under in line with flow of line. NOT wrapped back on top creaking a " hurricane hitch" which when pulled tight may require an axe to get loose. If you need more secured cleating. Wrap line around cleat 2-3 times than a standard figure 8. Dont believe me try, this method is not only safe, able to get undone quickly but will hold tonnage.

  3. if you think thats how to use a cleat ,,, keep at it , on toy Tupperware boats it may be fun , in the real world its about as funny as the coils that people make out of rope on the pontoons.

  4. On the slipping hitch I put the loose tail through the loop so there is now way the knot can be accidentally dislodged but everything is still able to be speedily removed

  5. What would be wrong with a taut-line hitch? It's adjustable! Slip it for adjusting and a quick release but not for security. Don't slip it, make an extra turn or two and follow it with a figure-8 for security and only a moment or two to adjust it.

  6. Do knows long enough you meet people who do a knot you invent. Or better there invented it in their time on the other side of the world. That's Owesome!

  7. Love clove hitch but I put half hitch on rail with loop, so if line is pulled accidentally finder won't be lost overboard in wake!

  8. Better to finish the clove hitch with a half hitch else risk losing fenders in choppy marinas.

  9. I only use the quick release hitch on the boat fenders and all the ladies bikini's. When we get away from the dock, I quickly remove them all, no need for the fenders, or bikinis.

  10. In my opinion, if you're adding hitches to the cleat, go ahead and add your half hitch to the clove hitch. I would never be so pressed for time that I used just slip Clove

  11. Good tips and knots for attaching your fenders! And if this feels too complicated, The Snubber has invented quick and easy fender fasteners to make this even quicker. Visit our Youtube-channel to find out more!

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