Iahturi de 10 milioane de dolari. Noul, folosit și FOARTE mare!

Iahturi de 10 milioane de dolari.  Noul, folosit și FOARTE mare!

Iahturi de 10 milioane de dolari. Noul, folosit și FOARTE mare! Cu miliarde de dolari de iahturi disponibile astăzi pe piață, este ușor să fii uluit de alegere. Dacă aveți un buget de 10 milioane de dolari, puteți alege dintre niște iahturi minunate… iată doar câteva dintre navele noi, folosite și foarte mari din care puteți alege. Dacă sunteți pe piață pentru a cumpăra un iaht, aș fi foarte bucuros să vă sfătuiesc în alegerea dvs. și să vă ajut la achiziție. Contactați-mă în orice moment la david.seal@northropandjohnson.com Pentru a primi știri lunare cu informații privilegiate din industria de yachting, abonați-vă la scrisoarea mea de știri la yachtsforsalechannel.com


39 thoughts on “Iahturi de 10 milioane de dolari. Noul, folosit și FOARTE mare!

  1. 770 million for the custom line 8's, 970 million Benetti delfino 95', 10 million for illusion, 120 million for quick killer 10 million each for those cruise ships and that's 1billion 890 million that's cool if you want that in cash I could do that and also if you want that in transaction just a bank name and an account number?

  2. 9million USD converted into Philippine peso. i guess my dad would shock if he wakes up no more hacienda and properties because i purchase that yacht. lol but i bet that formula yacht with super amazing speed.

  3. Wow, the 55 meter Feadship Illusion super yacht is a bargain at $9.5 Million. It is so big and luxurious but even if you are just a "moderately rich" person, you can afford to buy one and make yourself look like "super rich" or even "mega rich". And if that isn't enough, you can buy the cruiser yacht for just $10.5 million and at 526 feet long, it is even bigger than the "Dilbar". If I were the owner of that cruiser yacht, I'll park that next to Dilbar and show it's owner that his yacht is no longer the biggest yacht in the world but mine. ha ha ha ha! But personally, I'll probably be most happy having the Benneti Delfino or the Pershing.

  4. Mini cruise ship for $10mil. Sounds like a fun business investment $2 or so million to refit for cruise standard and you should get your cash back in a few years.

  5. My spouse and I are looking at yachts to buy for around $40,000,000.00 dollars in the United States. We want to keep it in the states so we have one here and then charter a larger vessel when we go to Europe . If you could help with and who we should go to I would appreciate it.

  6. This was fascinating but it would be interesting to know something about running costs. There will be maintenance and insurance and the larger yachts would likely have some kind of crew. You gave see interesting guidance on the characteristics of the yachts – eg one is slow but goes a long way, the other faster – but presumably less distance. Summarising such characteristic would also be interesting. Is there a guide to superyachts? ie things to look for ? Not that it matters unless I won the poetry (which I don't play) I doubt I will have 10 million. Are there yachts that will sail across the Atlantic? both for fuel carried and safety>?

  7. I dont have $10million but I have 6 kids. Are there yacht available for 8 people +Guests? These yachts are always for like 8 people. Im willing to bet there are wealthy buyers with lots of kids looking for something big enough for 10+

  8. Hi David. Here we are in October 2021. Monaco show is over, newest innovations and yachts. These ones shown here 4 years ago are still amazing. Great video thanks 😊

  9. wait, i have no clue about yachting, but for my 10 million i cant even cross the antlantic??? you kidding me? why would anyone buy a yacht and not a plane?

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