Videoclip simplu în interval de timp realizat în timpul recuperării din ultima noastră călătorie de la Montreal la Miami. Arată un pic din realitatea yachting-ului, care se referă în principal la întreținerea și curățarea de mediul marin aspru. Muzică:
Realitatea yachtingului. Timp de întreținere a iahtului. Cu Diesel Girl.
9 thoughts on “Realitatea yachtingului. Timp de întreținere a iahtului. Cu Diesel Girl.”
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That's allot of maintenance time. We used to do engine oil and filters approximately every 3 months on longer voyages as well as fuel filters. Once a year wed go through the seals, bilge pump gaskets and o rings, grease points, battery checks and clean ups, gearbox oil, hydraulic fluid tests etc and never had an issue.
Azimut 68 s
I'd like to know, no criticism here, why are you bare foot working?
Sounds like ya bought a beater?
Hate yacht engine rooms, back breaking work.
U explain nothing ?????? Its all about showing her body in so many ways.
You are lucky to have a such little monkey for helping your maintenance 😉
20 hours a fucking week… of “wrenching”. Not including cleaning and waxing. Jesus H. Christ if cars were this bad, I’d give up driving
I like how homeboy has the girl all up in that engine , looks like hell to work on makes a bus diesel repair look easy , never new boats were that tight of space ?