Cum să: Acostare în condiții de vânt | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Cum să: Acostare în condiții de vânt |  Barcă cu motor și iahting

În cel mai recent episod din seria noastră How To, vă arătăm cele mai bune tehnici de utilizat atunci când intrați într-o dană în condiții de vânt. ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a YBWTV acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http:// ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook aici – ►Urmărește-ne pe Twitter aici – ►Nu ezitați să comentați mai jos! ►Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


48 thoughts on “Cum să: Acostare în condiții de vânt | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. Thanks, great video and subscribed. Any comments or suggestions with boats that do not have a bow thruster? (I would think most boat makes should make them standard as [you said] docking is the most miserable experience a boater has). I have a slip that I keep my bow facing in – and the wind comes from the stern/starboard side. It always pushes me away from the dock (starboard side). My thought is to come in on an angle against the wind – but any suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. why he uses that much the wheel ? ? i have a larger boat than this one and ALWAYS do any kind of maneuver with just engines and bow thruster …? I am not complaining at ALL this, just I wonder why this technic ? ? ?

  3. But what about for 99% of us who don't have bow thrusters? I'm confused by you videos. They aren't helping the majority of us. That "little bit of bow thrust" you mention is kind of a big deal.

  4. what a delight ! Taking classes from people who know their stuff, understand the key points and challenges and most of all have the terminology all complete!! Most of all i enjoy the smooth and low key tone of voice…it really communicates command of the process. Thank you Captain! PS: What boat is that by the way?

  5. Hahahaha!!! This is a joke right? Dude there is NO WIND. Is this make believe…."lets pretend there's 50 knot winds". It's literally as calm as can be. Look at the trees, no movement. Barely a ripple in the marina. Cmon show us in a REAL world situation especially if that is the subject of the video. Its like saying "I'm going to show you how to use a 357 Magnum" but pulling out a BB gun. Lol!

  6. Is all about using the bow thruster, the C.O.D. and/or the joystick the correct way😂

    Love the video tho.

  7. I'm driving old yatch a 1997
    42ft sealine no bow thruster for almost 2 years 😅, I'm hoping I can find another boat another job that have bow thruster 😅

  8. You started well, informed us what the helm was doing as well as what engine was in astern, but after that, it went tits up. When you mentioned about clicking forward, you didn't say that you'd brought stbd engine to neutral and clicked forward with port engine, turning helm hard to stbd. This is what's confusing to people, a slow description of what you are doing is a must.

  9. I use that technique on our 38ft with out bow truster. Just need to get the line on the bow first. Safe boating!

  10. Great video, nothing and I mean nothing beats practice. I have taken a few days to just going on and off the berth. I will see if I can video it next time.

  11. Lots of wheel spinning you're doing. Gee… having a bow thuster saved your day. How about showing us with just engines only? Looks like you have twin screws, so why are you not using them?

  12. Great teaching style. Would be great to having these lessons not in a million dollar boat with stern drive system and bow thrusters.

  13. Might seem silly but we always used the central cleat which once tightly fastened the boat couldn’t go anywhere giving you time to sort out the bow and stern lines. Worked for our 30 ton tsdy .

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