Great Sailing Knots (Sailing Virgins) Ep.02

Great Sailing Knots (Sailing Virgins) Ep.02

Noi, cei de la Sailing Virgins, creăm videoclipuri cu instrucțiuni despre cum să navighezi, care nu sunt șchioape! Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce călătorim prin Caraibe, Croația, Tahiti și multe altele și arătați-vă frânghiile, la propriu. –- Suntem școala de navigație numărul 1 din lume pentru mileniali – lecții, cursuri, cursuri în Caraibe, Croația și Tahiti. –- În acest episod: nodurile mari de navigație sunt un element de bază pentru căpitanii din întreaga lume. În acest episod, acoperim nu doar cele șase mari noduri de navigație, ci și câteva metode diferite de a le lega. De exemplu, știai că poți lega o îndoire a foii folosind exact aceeași metodă ca și legarea unui bowline? Aceasta înseamnă că îți poți folosi memoria musculară pentru un nod pe care îl faci tot timpul, pentru un nod pe care s-ar putea să nu-l faci atât de des. ––––Conținut–––– 00:00 Introducere 00:48 Bowline – abordare mai rapidă a metodei tradiționale 02:01 Bowline V2 – incredibil de rapid „special metoda forțelor” 03:53 Clove Hitch – metoda completă și cu eliberare rapidă 05:41 Round Turn & Two Half-Hitches – nodul subestimat 06:54 Double Sheet-Bend – metoda noastră preferată 09:15 Sfat profesionist: NU FACEȚI ASTA! ! Bowline pe bowline (ps. eficiența sa este probabil mai bună de 5% – James exagera. Este încă o soluție neplăcută. Faceți o îndoire dublă a foii. Așa de mult mai bine) 10:18 The Rolling Hitch – FOARTE la îndemână în anumite situații 12: 21 Figura 8 – nod de oprire încercat și adevărat Consultați postarea noastră de blog pentru a vedea un articol: Noroc, Jack și James


22 thoughts on “Great Sailing Knots (Sailing Virgins) Ep.02

  1. I wish I could post a photo of the paragraph I just read from, "the SmarterCharter CATAMARAN Guide: Caribbean". On page 160, the authors suggest tethering the dinghy from the stern using 2 docklines tied bowline to bowline (quote: "for extra strength"). Glad I happened upon this clip before I lost my dinghy this coming March. Great stuff guys. Fair winds.

  2. What are your thoughts on using a double fisherman's knot to join two like-sized lines? Would anyone look down on me for using it instead of the single or double sheets bend?

  3. That is the rolling hitch for attaching to a pole (ABOK#1734), not a line. You should be using ABOK#1735 which is for attaching to another line.. You need to lay the thinner line away from the winch, then wrap up the line with the loose end. The long end should be inside the coil with the fat line. The final loop/hitch should go under the pulling end. This causes the knot to kink the fat line out at an angle which binds to the fat line better. Give it a try and see how much faster it binds up and check out The Ashley Book of Knots (or Wiki for a better description.
    BTW, that fast bowline method is awesome!

  4. Love the channel and the lessons, I recently bought a yacht and they help alot! Started my own channel strider gk29 too👍⛵

  5. Figure 8 as a stopper? Sure… but more of a climbing knot, y’all are not giving it much respect. I mean at least tie an 8 around something, kinda pointless showing a knots side effects

  6. Such a great video – I really appreciate it. I keep coming back to it to refresh my memory! Great explanations and practical demonstrations.

  7. Loved the US special forces bowline! The version of the rolling hitch you showed is actually called a Magnus hitch. For a rolling hitch the final turn would be opposite rotation to what you showed. From what I know, they both have equal holding power.

  8. Just to say, this has changed my life 😂😂 within 30 minutes of watching and practicing these methods I’ve flipping nailed the bowline and sheath knots in under 5 seconds and with my eyes closed. Can’t wait for you guys to get back on the video’s, off on my first charter next month with my family and stuff like this is invaluable. Nailing it guys 💪

  9. Watched this video a while back, The rolling hitch to a second winch got me out of trouble and saved my bacon while I was skippering my first charter yacht in Greece this summer. Cheers! Also, The sheep bend explanation helped a lot and I love the V2 bowline, I taught all my crew.

  10. With the second bowline method you seem to pinch the two bits of rope together once you've gone through the pretzel in the first demo but not when you put it round the wheel? Must be thick here because I can't follow this at all…

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