Revista barca – Farrier F22 Trimaran remorcat

Revista barca - Farrier F22 Trimaran remorcat

Ne întâlnim cu Matt Vance pentru a ne uita la Farrier F22. Dacă vă place să navigați și fie nu doriți să vă țineți barca acostată sau acostată, fie doriți libertatea unei ambarcațiuni cu remorcă – aceasta este cu siguranță o barcă care merită verificată. Nici ea nu este lentă, atingând confortabil 7 noduri pe zi, în ciuda vântului slab. Pentru toate lucrurile legate de plimbări cu barca – consultați canalul nostru pe YouTube. Suntem revista numărul 1 de navigație din Noua Zeelandă, vă puteți abona la noi – digital sau tipărit la /// SOCIAL /// Facebook : @boatingnz Instagram: @boatingnz YouTube:


13 thoughts on “Revista barca – Farrier F22 Trimaran remorcat

  1. I have one, a carbon epoxy F22 built by Melvest Marine in 2011, never yet been in the water. The boat has a carbon mast currently being painted and carbon boom and is the center board style. Ultra light boat. Cannot wait to launch it later this year.

  2. "sails beautifully" and that's a review of a sailboat? Perhaps some figures would be beneficial. Pricing too. After this "review", i will head off to Google for an actual review. It will supplement this advertisement masquerading as a review nicely.

  3. No matter what, this is a very smart boat. Standard rig does 17 kts. Racing rig does 20+ kts! And no exotic materials used like carbon fiber, just standard glas, infused under vacuum. It’s even quite comfortable considering the small size. Production is being moved to US and will re-start this year.

  4. 110 thousand dollars. There are fucking houses you can buy in the US for less. For a 22 foot pocket cruiser. Expect these clowns to be out of business.

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