Tony și Margo sunt pensionari și locuiesc la bordul barca lor Catalina 36 de peste 20 de ani. Cumpărați cartea lui Margo: DEVENI PARTĂ DIN ECHIPĂ: Cea mai utilă carte pe care am cumpărat-o vreodată: Trimite Tony și Margo iubesc: Urmărește-mă pe Social Media Întrebări de afaceri sau trimiteri de muzică: Muzică : Epidemic Sound: Last Minute (Versiune instrumentală) – Moulins By And By (Versiune instrumentală) – Henrik Nagy My Darling – Johannes Bornlöf With Open Eyes I See – Sunfish Grove Norah’s Doorstep – Sursa Kim Aspen Filmare: Margo Huizing CAMERA GEAR Lista completă de echipamente:
Bunicii pensionari renunță la ipoteca pe viață

25 thoughts on “Bunicii pensionari renunță la ipoteca pe viață”
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We are doing a meet up on the 21st of April. Where?!?! Stay tuned for a live stream! Turn on Notifications.
Awesome….and Inspiring couple.
Good stuff…

This is inspiring for me but I'm only 30 why do I wanna do this now
Very cool! I'd love to do that.
Thank you for very nice and informative video.
Much respect to this couple. They’re living out their dreams and are more free than most of us.
Only thing about living in a marina is it costs regularly just like having rent.
wow! they're living like they're in there thirties! …watch out young whipper snappers! ..these grandparents rock!
I'm retired with no debt. Own my home and only costs me utilities, property taxes, insurance, and a little maintenance. My house is basically maintenance free except for appliances. Get out of debt people and you will be free. I live like a king on SS and a pension.
THIS! Yes, Yes, YES!
Your words are so inspiring. I have always wanted to live on a boat. Living on a boat seems so peaceful and relaxing. I just have to convince my husband that he would enjoy it also. Im slowly talking him into it. We just have to wait a while due to his cancer treatments. The only problem that sets ME back is that I work from home and I need to find a Marina that offers hard wired internet. I am researching Marinas right now, but so far I have only found one marina that has hard wired internet as an option. My luck is they wont have any slips available when the time comes to sell everything and pursue my dream.
That's a great Don Quixote, Margo
Hope this finds you both well,am in Australia and just found your Chanel ,very inspiring thank you so much for sharing insights into your beautiful boat and life choices kind regards Peter
The best and happiest couple.

Love from India
Lovely couple living the best life for them. Take a bow.
super! we stil have a lot to learn
Props to lovely couple! Kinda chuckled that they quit smoking only to save money for traveling.(Everyone has their reasons I guess)
Awesome job by these two people.
Everything she said is true.
What a great couple. I live off grid, but could do better. I would love to live on a Narrowboat. I am sick of being a slave to a house and land.
Does this couple have other videos ?
Nice to see your video, I met you at Conception bay five or six years ago and had you guys watch my boat at anchor while I spent the night in Mugele doing some shopping. We also attended the pig races and dance. Good to see you two.
Tony, we stumbled upon this video. It is beautiful. I recognized Margo right away even before you introduced yourselves.
Following on your foodsteps guys
thanks for setting an example….