Instalarea panourilor solare simplificată. Fiecare crucișător, R/V’er sau persoană care dorește să trăiască în afara rețelei trebuie să ia în considerare panourile solare. Sunt o sursă ieftină și fiabilă de energie regenerabilă. Instalarea este simplă și necomplicată. Instrumentele și echipamentele sunt disponibile online în prezent. Dar cum rămâne cu cablarea? Instalezi in serie sau paralel? Explorăm ambele opțiuni pentru a vă oferi constatările noastre. De asemenea, vă arătăm cum am instalat panourile noastre pe bimini-ul nostru din material textil fără prea multă agitație. Doriți să cumpărați controlerul MPPT și dongle Bluetooth? Click aici: Panouri solare aici: Conectori MC4 aici: https:/ / Vă rugăm să lăsați comentariile dvs. mai jos, iar dacă nu v-ați abonat deja, mergeți mai departe, doar apăsați butonul! Urmează multe mai multe videoclipuri tehnice. Deci, indiferent dacă vă aflați pe un iaht de croazieră, barca cu motor, R/V sau pur și simplu off-grid, veți găsi acest lucru util. Pentru a cumpăra controlerul MPPT faceți clic și dongle bluetooth? faceți clic aici: MEDIA NOSTRU SOCIALĂ Ne actualizăm Instagram aproape zilnic. Aceasta se concentrează pe imagini fotografice frumoase cu noi, barca și împrejurimile noastre. Link-ul este aici: Vrei să vezi blogul nostru? Toate intrările pe care le-am scris și toate călătoriile noastre înainte de a începe canalul nostru de Youtube? Ei bine, atunci aici trebuie să te uiți. Vă interesează pagina noastră de Facebook? Din nou, postăm aproape zilnic cu poze, videoclipuri mici și povești din viața noastră de zi cu zi. Urmăriți-ne aici: În sfârșit, doriți să auziți tweet-urile noastre? Imagini, videoclipuri și gândurile noastre, aproape zilnic? Ei bine, uită-te aici pentru asta: Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să lăsați un comentariu și să dați mie în sus. Muzica: Alan Walker- Fade

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Did you try 2×2 series vs parallel? Since shading from boom will usually be on one side. This is my plan with same equipment.
easy peasy
Seems like… with the constant/variable shade aspect of a sailboat, yet plentiful surface area to mount (real estate), amorphous panels would have been a consideration? <The question mark is just that… did you consider using amorphous panels? What they lack in efficiency, seems like they'd more than make up for in consistency (those things produce charge in shade/overcast conditions). ~ Cool video. Stay safe.
any chance you could give an update on how these panels have held up over the last 12 months? I have heard that they generally degrade after 12-18 months
Hola Nick buen vídeo, ne puedes informar que marca son los panel solar, de cuanto watts son, que tiempo aproximada mente duran en el Caribe.
What happens when the batteries are full? Does the controller dump power when the panels continue to make power?
I think you can see how to make it on Avasva . This is just an advice
If you put the panals in serie you get more than 12volt. is not that a problem if using 12 volt batteries?
Hi Nick. Thanks for this video. I don't know if you'll answer questions about it 2 years later, but I'm wondering if any fusing was necessary, or does the controller handle that? Also what about battery monitoring? Will your bluetooth connection tell you all you need to know, or do you need a separate battery monitor?
Thanks for this info! Wondering if you know the name of those plastic fasteners from sailrite that you used to attach the panel to the ravioli. Also, did they hold up well and would you still recommend them?
This video is full of misinformation. Wow, you really should stick to the things you understand and not try to explain things you do not understand. Your description of the MPPT controller is accurate for a PWM controller as well. An MPPT controller works by tracking the output of the panel (depending on sun brightness) to maximize the watts – that's the peak "power point" at any given output voltage. AKA M=maximum PP=Power Point T=Tracking MPPT. Your claim about series giving more power is also straight up false. It gives more power in some situations with certain shading and panel types and battery voltages. Reality is much more complicated, and generally given the liklihood of partial shading on a boat, serial will give you less power. What you actually measured was thats the preduminant wind direction or boat orientation and solar output was better those 5 days.
Great video. However, I think that your conclusion that transient shade recommends a "series connection" is erroneous. When the panels are connected "in series", they all operate as ONE SINGLE UNIT. Any shade that hits the one panel will drop the output of ALL PANELS. By contrast, if the panels are connected "in parallel" , any shade on one panel will not affect the output on the other panels. So, if shading is an issue, it is best to go with "in parallel" connections.
I understand that you did a test in The Bahamas. However, you provided no weather data to confirm that the few days that were spent "in parallel" were the same. So, that test is suspect.
That bloody row put me off "music"
Hi Nick, thanks for the video. What sewing machine do you there?
the musik is wayyy to loud wth !!almost blew up my speakers
Excellent commentary and instruction!!….
One way to solve the serie or paralel quetion, is to put 2 smaller MPPT, one for each solar panel.
Hey guys. That was one of the best breakdowns of how solar works and how the controllers work that I've run upon yet. Great job!
Great information
now that you have had your panels for a few years, how have the plastic parts holding the panel lasted and has there been any wear on the canvas?
Watched this a couple of years ago and came back to it now that I'm ready to install. Great explanation of why to wire in series. Hope to see you two sailing again very soon, even though you've gone to the shady side (cat) but at least not to the totally dark side (power) Cheers!!
Liked this just for the ravioli
great idea guys 
I'm just starting to think about solar on my boat. A concern about flexible panels on a bimini is the constant flexing due to the wind. A piece of wire can be bent into shape but repeated bending will break it. Not saying this is the case, just something to look into – which I will.