Vreme grea într-un catamaran cu navigație – Aventura 39 a navigației în jurul lumii

Vreme grea într-un catamaran cu navigație - Aventura 39 a navigației în jurul lumii

Sailmaker-ul nostru PREFERAT: http://bit.ly/precision_sails VĂ RUGĂM A ABONAȚI-VĂ: http://bit.ly/2EmmGnL VREI SĂ FACEM MAI MULTE VIDEO? https://www.patreon.com/nahoa Construim un curs. ÎNSCRIEȚI-VĂ PENTRU ACCES ANTICIPAT AICI: http://findingparadise.ca După câteva luni epice petrecute în Noua Zeelandă, era timpul să mergeți! În aer se simțea un răcoare sigur. Sentina era plină de provizii și în sfârșit eram pregătiți. Părăsirea portului și plecarea în larg este o decizie pe care nu o luăm ușor. Unul care include revărsarea prognozelor meteo în săptămânile premergătoare plecării noastre. Analizând înălțimile valurilor, perioada de umflare, hărțile vântului și rafale. Planificarea unor rute și porturi alternative. Sunt multe care au loc. Multă practică. Poate că am fost puțin în exersare după ce am vară în Noua Zeelandă? Trecerea din Noua Zeelandă la Fiji este una care include un punct de neîntoarcere. Un punct în care singurul lucru pe care îl puteți face este să virați mai mult în aval. Și asta am făcut. Cursul nostru inițial ne-a făcut să ne oprim într-un loc numit Minerva Reef. După trei zile de lovire de valuri fără sfârșit la vedere și unghiuri de navigare care deveneau din ce în ce mai strânse, am apăsat pe trăgaci pentru a sări peste frumosul recif Minerva. Așa că sperăm că acest videoclip vă oferă o idee despre cât de umed și sălbatic poate ajunge aici. Da, nu este super comod, dar poate fi totuși distractiv în felul său ciudat și ciudat. Ca să nu mai vorbim, face ca prima bere din acel ancor calm și mai dulce! Woot! am revenit la tropice!!! CUM EVITĂM VREMEA: http://forecast.predictwind.com/r/015a7f73a5 Urmărește-ne: Ash Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashstobbart/ Ben Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/captainbenb/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingnahoa/sailingnahoa/ DRONE: http://amz. /2rIuk9n MIC: http://amzn.to/2EeajtY


43 thoughts on “Vreme grea într-un catamaran cu navigație – Aventura 39 a navigației în jurul lumii

  1. I didn’t know that you can run out of data. My provider doesn’t cut you off they just charge a small fee for every 6 gb I use over my normal amount. 🤔 that would suck to need the internet and be denied. Learned something new 👍

  2. I learned to focus on a cloud and not the water. The only way i could do M.E.P. duty without being made fun of was find something that worked. Dramamine nope, eating nope, a common point of reference yup!

  3. I found your channel about a week ago and ever night after work I lay in bed and watch all ur videos I love it cant wait to watch ur adventure when u get back to noaha and finish around the world

  4. when I GOT a sea sick at the whale cruiser I suddenly became hungry, ordered a hot dog at the bar, HAD TO LOOK AT THE SEE WHILE WAS EATING IT, everyone was puking……………….good luck folks , boating is not for evry1

  5. There is this seagull in my port that has a very unique feather that sticks off its head in an odd direction. Perhaps an injury as a baby. That same bird has been coming back for at least 5 years. leaves in the winter. so maybe it was the same seagulls you had named.

  6. Candidate for the snarkiest comment ever: "Man if you were sick on a cat, imagine what it woulda been like on a real boat."
    (For the record if I don't buy a cat, it's only because I bought a trimaran.) That shot of the frying eggs started to make me queasy.
    Wow, beating up on that poor tired booby cheered you right up.. So schadenfreude cures sea sickness. Whoda thought?
    "Harbor master? yeah, I paid Fifty million dollars for my yacht and now out my sweeping panoramic tinted windows I see underpants!!!
    "I don't know what they're complaining about, when we look out of our leaky port holes and it's classy superyachts."

  7. Just a crazy thought….. We're you not perhaps pregnant with Willa. Just days into conception. Glad that you are all back in the water

  8. I don't know where I saw it on a video where this 100-foot catamaran has some type of stabilization system to keep everything calm and level in rough seas, this thing was top of the line I'm sure 10 mill plus, has anyone ever heard of this and do they work well, can you get it on a smaller yacht? just curious.

  9. What's wrong with You People having a bird sitting on Your boat? Jeez a little bird poop which can be cleaned up with no problem (When You KNOW what you're doing). I've never seen anyone who wants to EXPLORE all the things in the world, yet have a problem with bird poop. Feed the bird, give it Fresh water and some food, friggin Idiot Canadian's, weirdo's!!! You can work on your boat after making idiot mistakes and breaking things, spend tons of money on BS, but yet, worried about one bird making a stain (which can be cleaned up!!!). Want to swim with sharks, but worried about ONE bird!!!

  10. So, you're going to place wet-suits and wet gear in a place where it will drain down past electrical wires. HOW Smart is that? OH I know, idiots like to create problems. Yup!!!

  11. 2-3 weeks and have EIGHT, yeah 8 loads of laundry? !!??!! What, are they changing their panties every 5 minutes? OH & in one video back, Ben had to wait while Ashley IRONED her shirt, are You Serious??? WTF??

  12. Never seen this episode before. The hatch leaking segment is so funny. I don't know if you guys edit it intentionally but Ashley's face going blurry and zooming into her eye had me rolling. Yeap, that's exactly how I feel looking for a monohull or catamaran to buy. You reeeeeeeally got to like doing this stuff.

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