Palmer Johnson Sailing Yacht Walkthrough [$4,500,000]

Palmer Johnson Sailing Yacht Walkthrough [$4,500,000]

157′ Palmer Johnson 1983 [ARABELLA]
Locație: NEW YORK, NY Preț cerut: 4.500.000 USD Informații de contact: Patrick Hopkins / / 410.739.6765 Specificații iaht, fotografii + preț: Acest iaht cu vele de 157 inchi a fost proiectat de Maclear & Harris și construit de Palmer & Johnson în Wisconsin. Ea este o goeletă cu trei catarge construită din aluminiu și capabilă să găzduiască charte private foarte mari. ARABELLA a fost numită cândva Centurion și este certificată de Garda de Coastă din SUA pentru a găzdui 40 de oaspeți. Pentru mai multe detalii, contactați Patrick Hopkins: (410) 739-6765 0:00 Introducere 1:38 Puntea din față 2:38 Puntea pupa 3:35 Cârma 4:07 Puntea prova 4:47 Salon 5:51 Bucătărie 6:40 Cameră pentru oaspeți 8:23 Outro


47 thoughts on “Palmer Johnson Sailing Yacht Walkthrough [$4,500,000]

  1. As a business owner, one must motivate ones self. To that end, these videos are my favorite motivation. Keep up the great work, I will continue to enjoy and share these videos with others and someday in the near future I will be talking personally with you to buy one of these magnificent yachts!

  2. Why no mention of Palmer Johnson being the builder?!? That shipyard is legendary across the world, and best of all it’s here in the US!

  3. Majestic yacht and super price for such a grand vessel built by legendary yacht builder Palmer Johnson, who is celebration their Centenary this year 🍾✨ I know a buyer who will be interested 🥂💛

  4. Not enough hammocks!! 😉
    How many times do I need to win the lottery to afford this beauty?
    I would rename her Danmark 2, after Training Ship Danmark, (a full rigged tall ship, which was used to train US Coast Guard officers during WW2)

  5. for a 100+ foot why no pilot house? wish they put it ..kinda nice and it safe if your i rough seas. specially in stormy days

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