De ce un trimaran? Navigarea cu Corsair 970

De ce un trimaran?  Navigarea cu Corsair 970

De ce un pământ ai cumpăra un Trimaran? Aflați de ce în turul nostru detaliat și testul pe barca pe apă a noului Corsair 970 Sport. Dacă doriți să-mi puneți o întrebare, trimiteți un e-mail la Pentru mai multe informații sau pentru a aranja o inspecție, vizitați:


45 thoughts on “De ce un trimaran? Navigarea cu Corsair 970

  1. Where's the "TEST" part of the video? Did I blink & miss it? Geez the presenter could at least show the folding of the outriggers instead of "you just undo these 4 bolts and" . the videos are narrated by "salesman" not sailing folks what a disappointing presentation!!!!

  2. I’m solo.. Who cares how many tables, even with kids they don’t use them, but tables and no sailing plus price, please state prices or is that a secret? Oh, sorry, it’s too expensive but a good (cough) salesman will sell you it for double the price… let’s see how much we can rip you for: I’m looking for a fast tri I can trailer and also live aboard for two to three weeks at a time… I assume this is sold? If not it’s been a while so price please, here where it can be seen then maybe I’ll come and we can test SAIL.

  3. Why buy a trimaran? Because more hulls and less ballast equal faster, safer, cheaper sailing. Because, trimarans come in all flavors, from fast race boats with AMAs and tarps –
    to big family ocean cruisers that put all of that extra real estate to good use. Because, trimarans are more stable and more efficient and EVEN SAFER than even Cats of the same size.

    Because they don't have 1200 lbs of ballast just waiting for a hole in your mono hull to drown you and your family quicker than a cat can lick it's ass….

  4. Having cruised a similar Corsair F31 from 1999 to 2007 I can attest that there is nothing like sailing one of these at 18 knots. I remember cruising with our friend's kids dozing on the nets when we hit the ideal conditions for a speedy reach – we were at 17 knots and I had to wake them up to see it – their comment was "put the big sail up!" (Wife's comment was "furl in the jib"). The thing about this boat is it planes and that's where you really pick up speed. We've since moved up to a larger but slower trimaran and I often look back fondly on the days when we had a simpler boat. My only regret with the Corsair was not getting the 15hp engine as I think it would have been better for cruising.

  5. Thanks for the overview. The Corsair 970 looks great.

    Audio tip, you should point the microphone towards your voice. With it facing away, your voice fades out when you turn.

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