Adolescent salvat după 49 de zile pe mare

Adolescent salvat după 49 de zile pe mare

Aldi Adilang, în vârstă de 19 ani, a fost salvat după aproape două luni, supraviețuind cu pește proaspăt capturat de pe barca sa de pescuit din lemn din Oceanul Pacific, care plutea la 1.200 de mile distanță din Indonezia până în Guam. #Rescue #Sea #Teen #ABCNews


36 thoughts on “Adolescent salvat după 49 de zile pe mare

  1. You CANNOT filter salt from seawater using a shirt, so he's lying. He's either not been at sea for as long as he says (no sign of a beard) or he had enough fresh water on his raft.

  2. Wait up, woah now, you can survive on sea water through a t shirt for at least 50 days? I did not think that was possible. Wowza. Good to know. Why am I only finding out this pushing 50 after reading about, listening to and watching adrift/marooned/general seafaring stuff all my life. Bizarre. Could have sworn that stuff would have killed ya without desalinating it. The things you think you know. Some potentially life saving/ending Mandella effect right there and/or piss poor education or retention span. Thanks.

  3. For each eternal day and night he waited in horror, thinking he’d be dead, the sight of that ship – I can’t imagine the joy and elation.

  4. Don't know why these type of lost at sea rescues always get me emotional. Can just imagine being out there all alone day and night not being able to control where you're going. You're just at the mercy of the waves and the wind hoping to see familiar land. Good job guys!

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