Unde a început iahtingul pentru mine și videoclipul de anunț

Unde a început iahtingul pentru mine și videoclipul de anunț

Video de anunț pentru câștigătorul cursului Super Yacht de către https://www.instagram.com/bluewatercrewtraining/ Blue Water. Vă arăt micul meu oraș și unde a început iahtingul pentru mine. De asemenea, am cumpărat o „mașină nouă”. Film diferit, dar mai mult un videoclip de actualizare. Conectați-vă marți și joi la 7:00 EST / 11:00 GMT pentru seria Super Yacht. – Instagram Short Yacht Vids aici. (sprijină-mă pentru a ajunge la 10k): https://www.instagram.com/jaredwatney/ – Instagram-ul lui Becca: https://www.instagram.com/beccapretorius/ – Ghid complet de iahting pentru începători disponibil AICI pentru 5$: https: //www.jaredwatney.co.za/shop – Portofoliul meu online aici: https://www.jaredwatney.co.za/ –


46 thoughts on “Unde a început iahtingul pentru mine și videoclipul de anunț

  1. Cool Defender 90. Looks like beautiful country to be a kid in. Just out of curiosity have the owners got you booked for next season or is the crew gig strictly one season at a time?

  2. I grew up on boats and recently got my 100t masters should I still get PB2? I’m 26 and have been on boats my entire life. Considering a deckhand position.

  3. WHAT??? I go away for a bit and come back to WINNING??? Yes… I am a girl 😉 and looking forward to the course!

  4. Are there any yachting experiences available for people that would just like to see what it is like to be on a yacht and work. Kind of like a fantasy camp in sports or with well known musicians like the fantasy camp in Las Vegas ran by The Who lead singer Roger Daltrey.

  5. you remind me so much of ben brown and dan, maybe its a south african thing but you guys make such amazing content, are you influenced by either of them? its so amazing holy shit

  6. Is it a 94 or 97 series Defender?
    Definitely been enjoying your contents I'm new to your channel not sure how this came about I think it was on a car channel I'm subscribed to.

  7. How about a tour of your Defender. You seemed pretty stoked about it and then didn't say anything about it. You know W5, Who, what, where, when, How? Your passion is addictive. Big Half Thumbs Up:)

  8. I love Cape Town! My son met and fell in love with a South African lady and they live in a little resort community about 90 minutes outside CT called Kleinmond. I went their for their wedding and spent 3 weeks! It was awesome! 🙂 Now, is 57 to old to get started!? lol

  9. How have I not noticed this video before?! Yachts and Landrovers together is awesome 👌🏻 if you said you also have a motorbike, I think you'd turn me gay 😂

  10. Hope you've got plenty of money running a Defender….I got shot of mine as they're utter money pits….

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