Am auzit în depărtare un mârâit și un miros urât. Ghici ce am găsit? O colonie uriașă de lei de mare pe o insulă mică de stâncă! Plecăm spre est pentru a traversa Golful Alaska și părăsim sud-centrala Alaska pentru a ajunge în Alaska de Sud-Est și Pasajul Interior. Sper că vă place acest episod foarte lung Suntem un cuplu suedez care și-a dorit un alt tip de viață. Așa că ne-am mutat la bordul barca cu pânze RAN, un Beason 40 construit la comandă din aluminiu, am dezlegat liniile în mijlocul iernii suedeze, ianuarie 2016, și am început să navigăm spre sud de-a lungul coastei Europei. Nu există un traseu stabilit și vom merge acolo unde ne duce vântul și mintea. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI: – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: Urmăriți RAN și noi aici: ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI: Un mare mulțumire Patronilor noștri pentru că au făcut posibil acest videoclip! Ne place să facem videoclipuri inspiratoare și să împărtășim aventura noastră cu tine și cu sprijinul tău putem continua să vină videoclipurile! PRODUSE ȘI ECHIPAMENT CAMERA: Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza aceste videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon! Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru sau orice altceva de pe Amazon (folosind linkul), primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră. Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: Blissful Awakening 2 – Patrik Almkvisth All Behind Us – Alan Ellis Silent Letters – Hushed Through The Static – Keppel Skies Prodrome – Johannes Bornlöf Love, Malin & Johan
Navigand prin Golful Alaska – Ep. 123 RAN Sailing

48 thoughts on “Navigand prin Golful Alaska – Ep. 123 RAN Sailing”
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As an Elfin Cove Alum I will be anxious to see your next video. There's not much there except a nice dock and fishing lodges but it is a beautiful place. My sister and her husband used to own a lodge there. It was always a great deal of fun to visit. As I recall there always seemed to be an endless supply of fresh crab, salmon and halibut! Yummy!
Once again some brilliant footage of surroundings and enjoyed the sea lion colony very much . The gymbal camera shot was a great way of showing boat movement . Thanx again for a pleasurable vlog . Fair winds and following seas . Stay safe guys

What a journey
Wow absolutely beautiful! Nice to see the north west!
Looks like motoring more than sailing. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful videos
I live on Vancouver Island about mid island. If you need land transportation for anything I have a truck and am retired so can offer assistance pretty well any time.
Are you guys checking the radioactivity of the water and anything you catch? Cesium 134 and 137 seem to be the important ones. Have you spoken with the local fishermen? You might. US and Canada have been having massive die-offs for a few years now. Just thought I'd mention it. Let me add I don't know much about the channel of the vid I added. But all the readings and data seemed to be independent and legitimate. It was the most recent I could find.
Friday – take a Flensburger Pilsener – lay back an watch a new episode of RAN Sailing.
Fair winds
Crank up the dramatic music!
Looks like you anchored in Zaikof Bay, one of my favorite places to hunt. It's too bad that you missed the eastern half of the sound, but I guess you had to go when the going was good.
I am a stickler for closing sea cocks when not on board but how did you catch your leak, maybe a bilge alarm? If not I would install one.
Great videos and story telling. Fair winds Jeff
Really look forward to your videos
Where do you take off and land your drone from when underway?? The solar panel?
that ominous music around 22:40 had me pretty worried…but all we got was a lovely sunset!! ~~_/) ~~~
Welcome to the SanJuans! So many quiet bays! Try Garrison bay south of Roche Harbor on San Juan Island
WATER is deeper=ice is melting.
You talk about the megatsunami at Lituya, I was wondering if you'd seen this
Please guys stop with the head shots. You are in Alaska, we know what you look like and it it would be nice to see some of the scenery. 15mins would be enough too. : )
How was the marine life?
The nav charts for PWS are not very accurate. There are rocks and reefs sticking up where there shouldn't be. And the bottom depths are sometimes perfect, and sometimes very wrong. Glad you didn't find any of the rocks. There is also a large tide sometimes, up to 4 or 5 meters. And yes, the 1964 earthquake changed the water depth in many places. Because so few people come here, the navy has not made it a priority to do new maps. In-depth local knowledge is critically important. You actually probably went right over a hidden rock when you came up Bainbridge Passage. Its hiding right in the middle of the channel where you'd expect the water to be deepest.
You need to send a copy of your footage to the Alaska Bureau of Tourism. Seriously. The scenes in this episode were beautiful.
It is nice to see a sailing channel visiting my part of the world, thank you.
Fantastic video !
Yes bears
would keep me shipbound …… but with a boat like Ran that would be just fine … are you trolling for fish
Your films make viewers use of superlatives in the comments, just plain and simply inadequate.

A Radar would be worth the money and peace of mind.
We do love your videos, very informative and enjoyable to watch. Thank you.
Hope you two visit the US East Coast in June to August (Less fog in late July or August). Meet me in Stonington Maine!! I will make sure you see the old granite quarries and New England Lobster the old fashioned way. Cant smell the seal's here not as many.
That was some eerie sounding music around minute 22. I was expecting to see something break on the boat! ; )>
Love the gimbaled footage at 28:59. Would be great to have more detail though – I have so many questions! Looks like the main was locked at centerline (and presumably stowed) – was there not enough wind to get some stability with sails up? Looks like you were rolling nearly toerail to toerail? How long were you in those waves, and were they very different from the rest of the trip? (height, frequency?).
We've been in waves like that and worse and they've very difficult to manage, so always looking for tips. Looks like the electric autopilot was able to handle them well so that's good.
Please be careful when using navionics sonar charts. Mostly they do not contain any more information than an official sea chart. The additional depth curves are generated by interpolating data based on shore lines and known depths (from actual maps). You'd be running aground twice a day with that map if you'd sail on the Finnish coast.
Alaska is very beautiful and unspoiled. It is on my bucket list of places that I want to visit, but for now, I can see it through your eyes/lens of the camera.
Alot of fishing boats in Alaska either dont have ais of they shut it off, becasue they dont want the competition seeing where they are. They also anchor and run without lights for the same reason, so be careful everyone.
Looking for Kotick, the white seal………………………..
So professional in all aspects, the sailing the photography, music, commentary, just an all round professional package. I’m just amazed Nat Geography hasn’t picked up on you guys yet.. Sail safe.

I went to Ester one winter when all I had seen was Ice around Fairbanks it was good to see open water .
It seems Johan and Malin were using the "Sonar chart" display of the Navionics app, not the official Navionics chart which is based on actual, verified hydrographic data of a national hydrographic authority (NOAA, in this case),
The sonar chart has more depth contours than the official Navionics chart, therefore it may give a false image of being more accurate. (Well, in some cases it IS more accurate, but not always, and there is no way of knowing which soundings are correct and which are not).
The depth contours in the sonar chart are generated on the data gathered from individual users' depth soundings, and from that data only. If there are no recorded user soundings from a certain point, the chart shows it is very shallow. The soundings may or may not be accurate, or they might be completely off, like in this case.
I would not encourage anyone to use the sonar chart for navigation. Unless there is another chart beside it, where one can verify the markings. I'm writing this comment because there are lots of beginner sailors and future sailors watching these videos.
Sooo beautiful. You two are so balanced and the scenery is delightful. Thank you.
Those Sealions remind of German and British tourists on the beaches in Spain, though more charming possibly !
Disturbing a colony of protected marine mammals is NOT Cool. STAY AWAY so they can live in peace from you intruders. Shame on these over-privileged wealthy millenials transiting the earth and narcissistically narrating their dream voyage!
You haven't shown or talked about having to sound your horn signals in the fog yet.
almost barfing watching the gimbal footage
The dramatic music was such a great touch
I loved the howling monk…er sea lions lol
Love Prince William Sound. Spent 20 days out there in 2019.
The beauty of the North in Alaska incredible. Thanks for sharing
Beautifull, never see you guys fishing and eating fish, was wondering why