Echipa de la Yachting Magazine a urcat la bordul Ocean Alexander 90r la debutul său mondial la 2018 Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show. Alăturați-vă lor în timp ce aruncă o privire în profunzime asupra acestei oferte revoluționare de la Ocean Alexander.
Ocean Alexander 90r, după cum a fost revizuit de revista Yachting

46 thoughts on “Ocean Alexander 90r, după cum a fost revizuit de revista Yachting”
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It's beautiful I would love to own it. cause I love fishing and swimming in the ocean.
No Jacuzzi…no thanks.
배 이쁘네~
Where are the tender/jet skis stored? The omission of a tender garage is one of the most stupid decisions I have ever seen on a boat of this size.
How long has Al Bundy been doing boat reviews?
Absolutely gorgeous yacht! The interior design appears modern, up to date and yet down to earth with feeling of home. The down side I could see was that it did not appear to ride well in the waves.
Super yacht 90 plus jolie et trop riche de mer super-yacht !!!! d'américain si combien le prix et plus cher riche !!!! C'est plus super yacht !!!!
What watch has he got on?
3:55 "An excessively large VIP forward…"
I hope that was a brain fart, and you meant to say "impressively large."
Did not see tender storage
Ken, what watch is that?? Thanks!
Beach club… LOL
What's cruise and top speed? Range?
I don't need a galley on my tender, but if it comes with one, hey what the hell…..I was hoping for a bit larger tender for my Yacht, but 90 foot will work with 15 feet to spare, my favorite color is clear, can you do that??
I like the layout and the exterior. The interior design is quite sad. It is not cohesive with the sleekness of the boat, and is so circa 1980s.
Nice vid. I believe that that's the ugliest M/V I've ever seen. The interior seems nice though. However, I wouldn't want a day head next to "my" owners suit. More tech and spec please.
looks like its ploughing through the water rather than cutting smoothly. design over function?
No rods holder how can I fish in this?
is that the dotard talking ! ?
I kinda like it and its not my usual but dam shes plowing hard in the front. Looks like 4ftrs. would be coming over the bow and on a 100ft boat i dont know.
I was gonna actually buy this thing…util I saw CNN was playing on the TV at the 2:50 mark. Totally ruined it for me. Anyone supporting CNN and it's 24/7 Fake News spewing can't be rewarded, worked with or taken seriously.
What is the range, so it have transatlantic abilities?
Does anyone else think this guy sounds like Donald Trump?
It looks better than a SUNSEEKER 95 Yacht.
Jumping from place to place is annoying.
Seems like a very well built and quality yacht. Love the transom area.
Thinking about single handing this on rough seas is raising my BP
Where is the area for tender and water toys ???
It seems stability is very low. In the ocean will turn upside down. Boat only for entertainment in the bay.
With it, I think I could go south korea from washington d.c.
Forgot the master bath his and hers. This is the third video I've watched on this vessel and the place that I would spend a fair amount of time in every day I still haven't seen
Great yacht, similar to horizon fd series. Amazing quality and craftsmanship.
Good review !
Please! How many It?
It is underfull!
can it go from Miami to Israel ? serious question
I have the Hundred-Foot version. And let me say I will never own another boats with a open flybridge. The only reason in the pass that I ever had a open flybridge was is for the fact that's what my wife wanted. When we first got the information from my broker on what they were doing with the hundred foot boat. And then we were invited to the factory to see one of the models that they had just completed. You would not believe how much more useful it is to have all that useful space. We call it the man cave. The first thing I changed was the size of the television up there. And since myself and my wife are owner-operators this is where I spend most of my time when we are out. Most of the time all the other man come up there with me. Everyone always ask me about the other parts of a boat and I always give them the same answer. The only part I was concerned with was where we laid our heads down at night. a nice big shower and can I see the TV when at the helm.
If you're in the market to buy either your first yacht or your fifth I could definitely recommend ocean Alexandria. I trade mine boats in every two to three years. This actually might be one that I might hold onto.
Nice boat. This guy's states too much of his opinion.
It’s good to see Ken again. I remember when he reviewed Hargrave yachts back in the day
Great looking boat but the interior is terrible.
Plenty of room for the 3 people in the world I like.
I came across this video after I started working on my medium size motor yacht. And I love some help though!
Love this guy. He’s like the Robert Deniro of yacht tours.
Gorgeous !! Love Ocean Alexander !!