Pilotul erou salvează un om după ce parapanta lor SNAPS în aer

Pilotul erou salvează un om după ce parapanta lor SNAPS în aer

Turistul Gaurav Choudhary, în vârstă de 32 de ani, a surprins momentul în care avionul lor de planor s-a prăbușit și el și pilotul Purushottam Timsina, în vârstă de 22 de ani, au căzut la sol în Kalimpong, Bengalul de Vest, India. Imaginile filmate pe stick-ul lui arată că zâmbetul domnului Choudhary se transformă într-o privire de groază, în timp ce domnul Timsina se ține cu disperare de el în timp ce încep să se învârtească. Acțiunile domnului Timsina i-au salvat probabil viața lui Choudhary, deoarece turistul din Patna, în Bihar, nord-estul Indiei, a scăpat cu un picior rupt. Articol original: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6437257/Horrifying-moment-paraglider-SNAPS-mid-air-spirals-ground-India.html Videoclip original: http://www.dailymail .co.uk/video/news/video-1812794/Video-Hero-pilot-saves-man-paraglider-SNAPS-mid-air.html Daily Mail Facebook: http://facebook.com/dailymail Daily Mail IG: http ://instagram.com/dailymail Daily Mail Snap: https://www.snapchat.com/discover/Daily-Mail/8392137033 Daily Mail Twitter: http://twitter.com/MailOnline Daily Mail Pinterest: http:// pinterest.co.uk/dailymail Daily Mail Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DailyMail Obțineți aplicația gratuită pentru mobil Daily Mail: http://dailymail.co.uk/mobile


46 thoughts on “Pilotul erou salvează un om după ce parapanta lor SNAPS în aer

  1. Ohh lord!! Stuff like this happens in developed countries with all the safety regulations…I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like in the third world.

  2. As a paraglided I’m confused what kind of “save” it was 🤔 holding someone’s neck is not act of heroism. He didn’t use back up parachute which he must have. Your journalism is very low level

  3. ไม่ใช่ hero แต่เป็นคนที่ทำให้คนอื่นตกอยู่ในอันตราย

  4. 😢😢 oh that’s suck I’ve flown paragliders for many years never had to pull my reserve parachute out and I don’t flight today 😂😂 been there done that

  5. If the rider would’ve used both his hands as well instead of using one for a camera maybe the man would’ve survived it’s called wearing a GoPro something you don’t have to use hands for it just goes on your helmet this kinda makes me mad and it’s sad the pilot lost his life!!!

  6. It reminds me of when I jumped out of a plane having forgotten my parachute.
    Luckily, I managed to get to the back of a house where I was able to land safely IN the family swimming pool 🙏🏽

  7. Not to take away from pilot Purushottam Timsina, however the dude had no choice but to grab and hold tight. He was friggin strapped to Mr. Choudhary. I was expecting him to pop the straps and deploy an emergency chute from the title. All the did was hang on while they spun in. Happy they both survived in any event.

  8. He was not trying to save anyone, he was socked that the carabiner broke and he had no reserve, he knew it was going to be fetal, out of fear grabbed the passenger.

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