2019: CEL MAI MARE YACHT DE LUX SUPER-MEGA-GIGA VEDODA!!! (Vlogul căpitanului 43)

2019: CEL MAI MARE YACHT DE LUX SUPER-MEGA-GIGA VEDODA!!!  (Vlogul căpitanului 43)

În acest videoclip, vă voi prezenta noul cel mai mare iaht din lume. Este mai lung decât Motor Yacht Azzam și are un tonaj brut mai mare decât Motor Yacht Dilbar. O greșeală este că Azzam are 94.000 CP. Consultați Super Yacht World Wide: https://www.instagram.com/superyachtsworldwide/ Căpitanul Tristan Mortlock este un Super Yacht Captain premiat cu peste 15 ani de experiență. Și-a început cariera de yachting în adolescență și acum conduce unul dintre cele mai de succes iahturi charter din lume. Tristan lucrează în prezent pe Motor Yacht AWOL, un San Lorenzo SD122, construit în 2009. AWOL este un iaht premiat cu mai multe premii, iar echipajul ei este foarte mândru de munca lor. Captain’s Vlog este despre educarea părților interesate cu privire la ceea ce se întâmplă la bordul unui Mega Yacht, Super Yacht și industria de yachting. Pentru a împărtăși viața echipajului de iaht și viața pe mare. Șantierul naval BIG reamenajează, lucrări de vopsire și lucrări de inginerie navală. Pentru a călători în unele dintre cele mai frumoase destinații din lume. Primul proprietar al Super Yacht AWOL a fost nimeni altul decât însuși domnul Piero Ferrari. Timonerie încă mai conține scaunul căpitanului original cu emblema Ferrari. https://shop.spreadshirt.com/super-yacht-captain/ https://www.facebook.com/superyachtcaptain123/?ref=your_pages https://www.instagram.com/superyachtcaptain1/


34 thoughts on “2019: CEL MAI MARE YACHT DE LUX SUPER-MEGA-GIGA VEDODA!!! (Vlogul căpitanului 43)

  1. It must not be going to spend much time near the equator or other tropical areas. Painting it that color ensures it will take an extra few thousand liters of fuel to air condition the beast during an expedition of any length.

    And is this research vessel really a yacht? Using your rationale my grandfather's fifty foot cypress-hulled shrimp trawler was also a yacht.

  2. It has a profile on the yacht charter fleet website and says it is going to be high end luxury for up to 36 guests with 18 state rooms. Then there is not so luxury rooms for 30 crew and up to 24 scientists on board. So many nit picking nay sayers, let us just agree it is a cool ship that is coming out. You all don't own the 2 biggest yachts at the moment that it takes the titles from, so why are you all so butt hurt about this?

  3. Can't say much, but I'm working on Rev in Brattvåg atm, and it one hell of a ship, and there are countless people's visiting every single day just to get a glimpse of it

  4. REV is a research vessel, not a luxury motor yacht. Not even close to the same classification as Azzam or Dilbar. Are you going to claim the USS Gerald R. Ford the next "largest yacht"?

  5. What's the next largest giga-yacht going to be? I think it will be the one where it's dedicated to being 40% aircraft carrier. Devoted to bombing the crap out of whoever pisses of the next billionaire.

  6. I wish these top sized yachts weren’t so secretive. I’d love to just see the deck layouts of Dilbar and Azzam, but everything is so top secret.

  7. This isn’t a motor yacht. It’s a research vessel. When I heard what the owner wanted to do with the ship, cleaning up the sea I literally threw up in my mouth.

  8. Kudos to the owner for giving it over to scientific research and cleaning up the oceans but as the promotional video shows that’s it’s main focus and as such I don’t consider it a rival to Assam or Dilbar which are purely pleasure yachts. Great videos, keep it up.:)

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