Viața insulei ne cheamă așa că navigăm din Vancouver, Canada, către Insulele Golfului, un arhipelag de lângă insula Vancouver. În drumul nostru către Wallace Island Chopper 9 zboară și ne petrecem două zile pe micuța insulă liniștită. Suntem un cuplu suedez care și-a dorit un alt tip de viață. Așa că ne-am mutat la bordul barca cu pânze RAN, un Beason 40 construit la comandă din aluminiu, am dezlegat liniile în mijlocul iernii suedeze, ianuarie 2016, și am început să navigăm spre sud de-a lungul coastei Europei. Nu există un traseu stabilit și vom merge acolo unde ne duce vântul și mintea. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI: – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: Urmărește-l pe Ran și pe noi aici: ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI: Un mare mulțumire Patronilor noștri pentru că au făcut posibil acest videoclip! Ne place să facem videoclipuri inspiratoare și să împărtășim aventura noastră cu tine și cu sprijinul tău putem continua să vină videoclipurile! PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru sau orice altceva de pe Amazon (folosind linkul), primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră. Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:11 Dreamers Of The Shore (Versiune instrumentală) – Daniel Gunnarsson 08:02 Mountain Quail – Dust Follows 13:32 Cooper Landing – Brookii 15:07 Wichita – Martin Hall 16: 43 Spune-mi și voi uita – Rand Aldo Love, Malin & Johan
Sailing Back To The Islands – Ep. 139 RAN Sailing

35 thoughts on “Sailing Back To The Islands – Ep. 139 RAN Sailing”
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Samma vackra lugn ni sprider!
En magisk känsla sprider sig i själen och det behövs verkligen för att förgylla vardagen i blåsiga och mörka skåne.
RAN Sailing is beautiful. Your sailboat is one of the best looking ones on the internet. Love the aluminum! You two seem to be fearless and comfortable with all creatures, land, air and sea. Your video quality is top notch and your choices of destinations incredible. Keep up the fantastic journey, and thank you so much for sharing it with the world. Your laid back, relaxed attitude is magical, and so appreciated during a difficult time. Thanks again.
Beautiful…. Bald Eagle perched on the top of a pine at 14:17!
No way! Wallace Island. My all time favourite.
Having visited the Island for thirty year's ,I have to find that Diary to make some connection with YOU GUY's!!!!!!!!!!
Hello! I’ve finally caught up with your most current post and I don’t like it. I don’t like being current that is – I’m used to watching 2-3 every morning now it’s just one episode a week. I’ve enjoyed all of your posts so thank you for for putting in the extra effort to share your journey with us. I think you’re both amazing people, safe travels and god bless!
It all happens here and is eminently watchable.
those smooth skin trees you found Madrone is what there called
Nice new jackets!
Great video again,many thanks.i wish you all the best guys. Take care.
It’s cool video,so beautiful,so amazing guys,many thanks
inspiring vlog, beautiful pictures! amazing

We certainly look forward to another wonderful video from RAN. They are so informative and a pleasure to watch. Thank You.
Thumbs Up
Your videos are so beautiful and so are you two.. Thank you so much…
I Love this Place, Wallace Island, so beautiful and quiet, few people! Your Blue Bowl and the OJ was so Swedish!
That's a traveling game you can go on line and find out where the boxes are and find them and sine in their all over north America , i heard they are starting to play all over the world
I just discovered your channel a few weeks ago and I started to watch all the episodes of your trip down the BC-coast. I visited BC on land and Vancouver Island (including the inside passage by ferry) and I loved it. But your sailing along the coast shows it in a whole different and even more beautiful perspective!! As a geocacher I also loved you guys finding your first geocache (you can find out about it and log your visit at Hope you liked that and combine sailing and geocaching more often, I think it's a great combination
where did you get the brackets to mount your solar panels? they look tidy
Fantastic you two are all round favourites with the TV news team. If your planning on getting a helicopter you’ll need to redesign the yacht…maybe a special yacht trailer built for a helipad

You have been stalked by the news helicopter
The difference between the resolution of your videography and that of the chopper's is telling. The technology of today is simply amazing as is your adventure. Fair winds.
Itçs amazing that you got hit at anchor. What's wrong with people? Weird. Awesome helicopter video 138 and now this sailing yeaaah.
Tears form while watching Malin express joy and wonder. Such a captivating couple. Beautiful episode.
The helicopter footage was cool !
What is the purpose of the whisker pole ? Ty
That new "Mustang" gear must help out with those cold nights on those travels there..pure class for Mustang guys to let you leave their factory with some sample gear.., can't think of better brand ambassadors for Sailing equipment and or Sailing and outdoor clothing. Kudos to Mustang !
Loving your channel guys, but you’re making it hard to keep our coast a secret. All those Alaskan Cruise ships are sail 90% up this coast in BC waters not Alaska. We just do not have the Glazers and Icebergs.
Hopefully you guys did some exploring in Vancouver! It's still a great city/pretentious yuppy hell-hole….Did I say that out loud?! Lol
Arbutus tree.
I was wondering why they were calling our beautiful Madrona trees Arbutus trees. After looking it up I found that Arbutus is the Canadian word for Madrona. ;>) I probably would have figured that out if they had said "Its a Arbutus tree, eh!
I just cannot believe how peaceful and beautiful your videos are, you guys do such a great job
Brilliant. The Gulf islands are a true gift to those who have opportunity to enjoy them.
Thank you for sharing.
6:58 delivery of ex-girlfriends