Insulele Gulf, Columbia Britanică, sunt perfecte pentru croazieră în afara sezonului. Distanțele sunt scurte între ancoraje și orașe și există atât de multe dintre care să alegeți. Vizităm trei insule și ne bucurăm de o navigație cu adevărat frumoasă de toamnă! Suntem un cuplu suedez care și-a dorit un alt tip de viață. Așa că ne-am mutat la bordul barca cu pânze RAN, un Beason 40 construit la comandă din aluminiu, am dezlegat liniile în mijlocul iernii suedeze, ianuarie 2016, și am început să navigăm spre sud de-a lungul coastei Europei. Nu există un traseu stabilit și vom merge acolo unde ne duce vântul și mintea. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI: – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: Urmărește-l pe Ran și pe noi aici: ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI: Un mare mulțumire Patronilor noștri pentru că au făcut posibil acest videoclip! Ne place să facem videoclipuri inspiratoare și să împărtășim aventura noastră cu tine și cu sprijinul tău putem continua să vină videoclipurile. PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru sau orice altceva de pe Amazon (folosind linkul), primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră. Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: 00:04 Feel Your Blue Sky (Versiune instrumentală) – Origo 01:14 The Sky Above Us – Cerulean Skies 06:34 Written In Stone (Versiune instrumentală) – Dayon 07:22 Your Good Lies (Versiunea instrumentală) – Daniel Gunnarsson 11:25 Organic Bijou – Henrik Olsson 16:26 Complications (Versiunea instrumentală) – LVGOON 18:32 Throw Shades (Versiunea instrumentală) – Da Tooby Love, Malin & Johan
Navigație în afara sezonului în Insulele Golfului – Ep. 140 RAN Sailing

41 thoughts on “Navigație în afara sezonului în Insulele Golfului – Ep. 140 RAN Sailing”
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The log with the cross cuts in one side culd have bin to hold cross member for a house raft or floating dock doc.
I live in Vancouver,I was going to go north first.but thanks to you I won't overlook the golf islands,thanks
If BC was wormer would it not be the best sailing in the world
Sv Aja
You will love the San Juan’s…they are in my backyard and are so beautiful. What a perfect way to spend your birthday! Happy Sailing and fair winds.
Wonderful as ever! Happy belated birthday, Malin!
Immer wieder schön eure Videos.
when are you going to be in Southern California?
So you've sailed 1/2 around the world. How do you compare the Alaska, the Gulf Islands and the San Juan Island to other locations around the world?
Oh, happy birthday, Malin.
Made in copper. Not bronze
Love you guys! Your videos are so beautiful and peaceful and you really give me a way to enjoy sailing and nature!
Happy Birthday Malin!! Johan is so awesome, breakfast in bed! We love your vlogs!
Inspiring! You guys are the best!
I really like the little snippets of history that you add to your videos. Keep it up!
Another great video. I always look forward to seeing how you two our getting on. Hopefully you will get to Florida something where I will have the opportunity to show you some of what we have to offer. We don’t have the green hills like Canada but we do have Alligators. Cheers
Such a well done piece! Everything really came together at the end, love the way you pulled that off! I enjoyed all the hard work you put into this so much and am really looking forward to your next exciting adventure!
Happy Birthday Malin!!! Johan,… You have a good heart. We are wishing you both the very best. Thank You again for another quality video.
Can’t wait to see where this season takes you, this week was cool and I enjoyed the little sailing tips just tossed in, for us newbies
very good indeed
Happy Birthday Malin… Lovely Video…
Tak – I enjoyed this while having my morning coffee,today. You both have a nice vibe and your skillful videography of this beautiful scenery is captivating. (Also, nice job catching the drone while the boat is underway.)
Happy birthday.
The footage to 2:30 is amazing!
Ran, just curious what camera you’re shooting your videos with and the processing software you use. Also, it looks like you’re using DJI Phantom drone in your videos. I am looking at Phamtom 4 and I was wondering how you like the drone. Your videos are great.
Happy birthday Malin! Thanks guys for the beautiful adventure
Härligt att följa er! Go tur!
I find it quite entertaining jumping between the videos and google maps to get a better idea where you guys are actually located. Another wonderful video. ; )>
When a thumbs up is plainly inadequate.

Great editing work! Love the isolation sailing videos, so peaceful….Cheers form Brazil
Too sweet
I've been following you since the begining and now that you're in Seattle, I live right across the water in Poulsbo, WA and am planning on buying a boat to move aboard this summer. Thank you for the amazing videos and all of the information on where you stopped, and some of the great places to anchor here in the Pacific Northwest. Few YouTube sailors show any sailing in this area as most are hanging out in the Carribean these days. I hope all is well with the refit.
Doesn't seem I can be less amazed even though I have seen the planes land several times on your channel. Such an amazing way to get around !
find myself checking early for the video, fantastic
A belated happy birthday! Thanks for sharing it with me. Be safe
Another RAN fix…just can't get enough of the adventures!! You guys are simply the best, thanks for sharing.
Stay safe.
Johan is the best husband ever. I need to step my game up!
You will have plenty of wind going down the Wash, Oregon, calif coast. Most of the time from the North in winter. First warmer air/ not ocean will be southern Calif.
Yeah dont expect people to give you right of way in USA. Most people dont know the rules. BUT YOU CAN radio people and inform them of your course. Mostly even big ships give way if one is friendly.
MOST EXCELLENT…I would like to share this video on our local Salt Spring Island FB forum with your permission…Peace!!!!
Coming into the first cove at 5:18 there, Landing behind you was a DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver

With the Pratt & Whitney R-985 Radial engine on it, most likely a mid 1950’s model. They are STILL
One of the best Bush flying float planes Ever made till this present day…!!
You guys are so awesome!
Mmmm Hoyne Dark Matter is the best if you like dark . .
Rudeness out on the water, who would have thought. I have a big huge yacht, I'm not going to stop for you, even though I know it might help you. What is the matter with people?