Evaluarea daunelor – Sailing Moksha Ep 21

Evaluarea daunelor - Sailing Moksha Ep 21

Suntem în faza de evaluare a pagubelor după uraganul Michael. Încă scoatem bucăți deteriorate și explorăm încet Moksha. Este un proces lent, dar trebuie să fim amănunți. Există totuși ceva soare printre nori și vin lucruri bune. Rămâneți pe fază să vedeți! Cumpărați cămăși Moksha de la: https://represent.com/store/sailingmoksha


12 thoughts on “Evaluarea daunelor – Sailing Moksha Ep 21

  1. Hey, I came across your channel because I have the same boat as you and I was looking for tips on fibreglass repair (I have a bit of a hole in my fibreglass – well above the waterline – thanks to a storm) . But I'm watching all your videos now because you guys are awesome, and it's fun to see another family living on an Oceanis 400. I have 2 kids on mine 🙂 We live at a marina and have only done day trips so far, but this summer we'll be cruising as much as we can on the west coast of BC. I'll be watching your restoration and repairs with interest! Thanks for letting us share some of your adventures, and not just putting up the shiny happy things.

  2. Binge watching your channel. Love your story, your determination and courage. The quality of your video is good. I suggest you try to even out the audio as it seems to go up and down quite a bit. This is meant to be constructive, not me being an asshole 🙂 Keep forging forward guys you are doing great!

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