Ice Yachting – Distracția și frica de 100 km/h

Ice Yachting - Distracția și frica de 100 km/h

Capabil de peste patru ori viteza vântului, un iaht de gheață DN poate atinge 100 km/h, iar într-o flotă de 50 de bărci vitezele de închidere sunt atât alarmante, cât și îmbătătoare. Fost marinar finlandez, David Howlett a antrenat trei echipe la cinci medalii de aur olimpice, inclusiv Ben Ainslie. Dar după 24 de ani de muncă pentru succesul altor oameni, el își folosește timpul liber pentru a lucra singur și a trecut la cursele cu DN. El explică pentru The World Sailing Show ce face ca iahturile pe gheață să funcționeze și de ce a devenit atât de captivat.
[Feature first broadcast March 2017]


38 thoughts on “Ice Yachting – Distracția și frica de 100 km/h

  1. Never seen a truer example of an apparent wind boat. I dont think there was a single time where someone wasn't sheeted in block on block

  2. 100kph? Cars regularly go at that speed… often more than that. The narrator says you feel like approaching the speed of sound?
    I am bit confused. 100 kph doesnt seem much, is nowhere near speed of sound (1235kph)

  3. Sailed a DN as a young man in Walled Lake back in the '70's. Great fun until you hit a block of ice from a fishing shanty.

  4. That would be too cool if you weren't cold or fell through the ice.
    I had a sail car that I had rolling along at 45 mph
    when your face is some 2 feet off the ground it really seems to fly by

  5. This video makes it look so dangerous. We used to iceboat a lot. Everyone loved the speed and the thrills it gave. We were 8-9 year olds back then. Times were so much more simple.

  6. I rode on an ice boat made from a windsurfer sail and mast, a triangle of plywood and some bracing, with three rough machined blades made of 1/4" steel, and that's pretty much it.

    Sailed in on ice much too rough to ice skate on, no problem, at terrifying speeds, on Lake Pocotopaug in East Hampton CT.

    My point is, it doesn't have to be high tech or expensive!

  7. I'm going to be the first person to sail all the way from pole to pole with one of these and a small island cruiser.

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