Electronică marină: comunicații pe mare, aplicații de navigație și navigație / De la Sextant la Iridium Go, precum și navigarea cu barca cu pânze în ultimii 50 de ani!! Patrick Childress Sailing Videos # 35 Acesta este un tur al tabelului nostru de hărți pe barca noastră cu apă albastră, deoarece navigam în jurul lumii cu Valiant 40. La stația noastră de navigație avem o gamă largă de electronice marine pentru navigație și comunicare în timp ce sunt pe mare, inclusiv cartografiile electronice Navionics. Chartplotter-ul și radarul nostru Raymarine, un transponder AIS Vespermarine, Iridium GO! și Predictwind cu Xgate pe IPad Pro sunt ceea ce folosim acum. Patrick arată cum a navigat cu Catalina 27 Juggernaut, înconjurând în anii 1970 fără GPS, folosind doar un sextant, un RDF și diagrame de hârtie. În 2007, ne-am început circumnavigarea cu un mic plotter de hărți Raymarine și instrumente de navigație wireless Tacktick, hărți electronice Navionics, cu un laptop, hărți OpenCPN și .kap ca sistem de navigație de rezervă pentru barca cu pânze. Am folosit radioul Icom 710 SSB cu un Modem Pactor 3 cu Airmail/Winlink/Sailmail pentru a rămâne în contact cu alte bărci și cu familiile noastre. Mai târziu am achiziționat un Ipad cu cele mai bune aplicații de navigație pentru navigație și hărți electronice și aplicații de navigație, inclusiv Navionics, TimeZero iboat și Ovitalmap. Dar Iridum GO! și Predictwind pentru comunicarea pe mare și pentru obținerea vântului și a curenților oceanici în timp ce navigam în larg a fost o îmbunătățire mare pentru navigația maritimă, comunicațiile pe mare, obținerea vremii pe mare și pentru siguranța noastră! Toate instalările au fost făcute diy (Notă – Unele sunt link-uri de afiliat Amazon și alte link-uri de afiliat din care pot face comisioane din achizițiile eligibile) Vă rugăm, orice cumpărături pe Amazon, începeți aici: https://amzn.to/2K9MmuA SEXTANT: https: //amzn.to/2XJnqg3 RDF: ..fara RDF-uri Rage…dar un Radio Grundig ca al nostru: https://amzn.to/2ESXNlQ Navigator GPS FURUNO (Model nou la culoare) https://amzn.to/ 2H9GGi3 ICOM SSB Radio: Aici este al nostru : https://amzn.to/2XCdGV3 Un model mai nou: https://amzn.to/2H3bLnh https://amzn.to/2C7VMAi https://amzn.to/2TmdgUl https ://amzn.to/2VIu30f https://amzn.to/2H5Affx Fishfinders LOWRANCE: Detaliile modelului nostru:https://amzn.to/2SOgKK6 OpenCPN https://opencpn.org/ RAYMARINE CHARTPLOTTER/MFD: https:/ /amzn.to/2EDEDiu Raymarine a susținut produsele lor de-a lungul anilor și le putem recomanda foarte mult produsele! PREDICTWIND și IRIDIUM GO. Ia-ți GO! și orice altceva direct de la Predictwind..totul de la un singur furnizor, pentru suport suprem. Cel mai important… obțineți SIM-ul de la ei… fără probleme cu planul lor! https://www.predictwind.com/iridium-go/?ref=rebeccachildress. Software gratuit și calitatea de membru aici:https://www.predictwind.com/?ref=rebeccachildress Unele dintre postările mele Iridium GO și Predictwind, deși există mai multe… https://wp.me/p7qyue-cN https:// wp.me/p7qyue-iQ XGATE Email: http://www.globalmarinenet.com/product/xgate IPAD: https://amzn.to/2SLDH0w NAVIONICS BOATING: https://www.navionics.com/fin/apps /navionics-boating OVITALMAP: http://www.ovital.com Software TIMEZERO: https://bit.ly/2TAS5xJ Codul de reducere de 10% este inclus în acest link pentru versiunea PC (Navigator) pe TimeZero. Software-ul TIMEZERO iboat pentru iPad și alte dispozitive: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tz-iboat-marine-navigation/id1312769833 ▬▬ FOLLOW AONG ▬▬ ✩Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com /svBrickHouse ✩ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SYBrickhouse ✩ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SVBrickhouse ✩Blogul nostru: :http://www.WhereIsBrickHouse.com ✩Youtube: https:/ /www.youtube.com/PatrickChildress ✩Tshirts and other: https://www.WhereIsBrickHouse.com/store 2 CURSURI GRATUITE DE SAILING: http://whereisbrickhouse.com/sailing-school/ Îți PASE SĂ LĂȘI UN BACȘ? http://whereisbrickhouse.com/tip-jar Music Credits Beach Party – Islandesque de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Sursa: http:// incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100613 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ delos Beachfront Celebration – Latinesque de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/) Sursa: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1200022 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Chee Zee Beach – Latinesque de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Sursa: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100686 Artist: http ://incompetech.com/ Comparsa – Latinesque de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Sursa: http:/ /incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100285 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ #PatrickChildressSailing #SailingTips #TravelsAnimals #Sailing #Sailboat #Sail
ELECTRONICĂ MARITĂ: Aplicații de comunicații pe mare, navigație și navigație (Iridium Go? Sextant?) #35

44 thoughts on “ELECTRONICĂ MARITĂ: Aplicații de comunicații pe mare, navigație și navigație (Iridium Go? Sextant?) #35”
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Wish we were on Patreon? We aren’t…but finally Patrick has let me put a tip jar on our blog… you can support us in 5 other ways:
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Love you video very informative
You guys are so wholesome! I genuinely love watching your videos! I'm not a sailor nor do I own a boat or anything, I do however find your videos so interesting! Thank you so much for putting your tone and effort in to making them. Its really appreciated
another great video! thank you for sharing your knowledge
You are a nice couple and your videos are interesting, helpful and simply cover a lot of very useful ground for both the experienced and novice sailors. Thanks!
Did you have to get the fixed installation kit with the Iridium Passive Omnidirectional Antenna, etc. for an additional $400?
Excellent video. If you're on Patreon, I would be happy to help.
Amazing summary. So much to think about and so much experience you’re sharing!!
Out standing experience from two out standing sailors.
We use two ipads, a backup gps, depth, wind, speed. Wish to add AIS from vesper but have not done so yet. Also would go to larger iPad Pro next upgrade. Two handheld vhf's and on built in vhf that at least has receive mode ais, but small screen.
This should be the hands down number 1 sailing channel.
I'm running navionics on android and ipad, backup built in chart plotter, and then paper charts of course!
Love your videos guys thank you for sharing your knowledge!
This is far and away the biggest loss to the sailing community. Patrick was an incredible wealth of sailing and maintenance knowledge. I love the historic comments on navigation.
Oh man I’m going to miss this guy
Sobbing watching this
His attitude to patreon is completely recalcitrant to what the younger generation of sailors are doing. The huge influx of wannabe circumnavigators aspiring to follow the SLV model to finance their lifestyles, families and beyond is something that places Patrick's words in a different class. Honor and dignity came from being brought up in tougher times methinks.
she is so cute , adorable
Only watched this channel recently and have come to greatly admire Patrick, he is what we call "old school" a real gentleman and so much humility.
So sad to hear of his passing and I know from other comments he will be sadly missed
Why are you using Apple products such as your ipad? Don't tell me it's easier to use than Windows/Android units. I've been a Windows user for 30 years and many of us longtime Window users find it very difficult to use Apple products!
Patrick RIP.
Hi Mrs Childress, just thinking about you and Brick house,what part of the world are YOU, still in south Africa.?
I have been a little out of touch with things and I need to get back into the swing of things.
I wish you all the best from Trinidad and Tobago and if ever you are on my side of the world,please look us up……
Rebecca and Patrick: you are my new best friends! I was incredibly impressed with your presentation. I would like to have more information with regard to the integration of systems (electronics). Rebecca's narrative was excellent but I failed to see the connection between the iPad and the chart plotter. Assuming this is a Wi-Fi connection are these programs she used resident or downloadable by application? Also, we are (my daughter and I) are just beginning outfitting our recent purchase (Transworld 41, center cockpit catch) with sufficient electronics for safe transoceanic journeys. Currently, the only usable instrument is a standalone Garman for 80 model GPS.
I would be very interested to hear your opinion on a complete refit of electronics for cruising offshore and worldwide. I was particularly impressed with the ability to get current weather information and current direction. I would also like to have the ability to communicate via satellite as was demonstrated by Rebecca. Like you, I do not plan and SSB
Thank you for this video. Very useful information and clearly explained. Wish you many beautiful trips.
I like seeing the two of them holding hands at the end, that was sweet.
Man, I don't need a sailboat, but I might?
RIP Patrick, this guy was excellent
Plastic violin?
Thank you for all of your wisdom! We bought our dream boat and named her Mariyah. She is a 43 foot Spindrift. I look forward to watching your videos and supporting you too! I downloaded the apps you suggested.
Watching this now and thinking "you don't know what you got til it's gone" we take so much for granted, thank you both for all you gave – and continue to give. Thanks Rebecca
You are great, very useful and practical information . I am currently equipping my recently purchased sailboat and I will put to use the information provided … right now. …. On another subject, I love your complicity. All the best to both of you. Jacques
Great information, brilliantly presented in a useful format.
What are you using today for electronics. Happy Thanksgiving thank you
fantastic, thank you
This is a great video!
Thank you for your info I need
To get new NAVIONICS
In my 1984 Cheoy lee
I need some input and this video has being VERY HELPFUL
Thank you for your info I need
To get new NAVIONICS
In my 1984 Cheoy lee
I need some input and this video has being VERY HELPFUL
Great Video!!! I am currently updating my navigational electronics on my boat. As a new sailor and with limited budget, it can be quite overwhelming in sheer variation and type of equipment you might need. Instead of Stand alone chart plotters and AIS Transmitter or converter just to name a few… Is it possible to use Navionics on my tablet in conjunction with a GPS puck or GPS tracker and then have a VHF radio with AIS on it? Thank You for your Time!
Great information about electronics ,navigation ocean ,thanks for explanation
Good education, I really appreciate and I like it very much. I m leaving next week in 2023 alone around the world
to me extremely important and learn as much to know .I m watching already second time this video ,many thanks
Very well done segment. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. We have purchased a 37' Cutter rigged sailboat and are putting together our first navigation system. In the saloon we will have a windows 11 laptop running Coastal Explorer, the later we had purchased years ago and just had to pay for an upgrade. We have an English ais/gps receiver which is interfaced into the laptop via a usb port. This receiver outputs nema 1083 data and also provides both a nema in and nema out port. We output gps information to our vhf radio. Also we are providing information to our autopilot which also listens for nema1083 information. We have purchased an Airmar depth sounder which is also nema1083 which will return its info to the nema in port. There are also legacy instruments on the boat for depth, wind information, and engine monitoring. We have an I-pad which remotes in to the laptop and brings control up to the cockpit. We are interested in the satellite system but frankly it looks like it might be out of our tax bracket.
As all our eggs are in one basket we will be taking along a 9" Navionics tablet as a back up.
We are rookies and would greatly appreciate any suggestions you might have,
Garry and Doug
Vessel "Sea Student"