Catamaranul Vulturul 53, de Jim Brown

Catamaranul Vulturul 53, de Jim Brown

Prototipuri de aripi hibride pentru Eagle Class 53 Catamaran pe Caliente, un catamaran Forumla 40 și trimaranul Everglades Challenge al lui Randy Smyth Sizzor. Model Eagle 53 la Annapolis Boat Show, octombrie 2018, asamblare la dimensiune completă la șantierul naval Derecktor, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Forma prova și carenă, lansare și navigare din St. John and St. Thomas, USVI. – Comentariu de Jim Brown credit foto: Richard Langdon credit fotografie: Scott Brown, Jim Brown Catamaran Eagle Class 53 la Fast Forward Composites: Podcast complet, diferit de coloana sonoră video: Nautical Lore Capercast 84: THE FLEDGLING EAGLE http:/ / v190327c


20 thoughts on “Catamaranul Vulturul 53, de Jim Brown

  1. Extremely well presented; would be nice to see more action shots sometime, but very well explained, enthusiastically. It must be the future. I remember meeting a multihull designer about 28 years ago, who was testing on Lake Mead with hulls that would leave hardly any wake.

  2. I enjoyed every minute of this presentation. Your charisma and attitude transcends generation boundaries.
    I hope to see more presentations from you in the future. Cheers

  3. Enjoyed this video very much!

    Do you know if this wing can be put on a Sunreef 80?

  4. I just got to see it while working an aloft job in St Thomas in an adjacent slip and all I can say is it does not disappoint. I'd rather see it out underway here but looking down on it from next door was still exceptionally nice.

  5. So, how do you heave to in heavy weather with the rigid wing? I get that it can freely rotate so but that's still got to affect stability in weather. Also, how easy is it to tent pole and/or capsize coming off the foils? I'm still waiting for the day a sailing cat on foils can cross an angry ocean.

  6. This is a tacitly beautifully structured, majestically designed, elegant, graceful catamaran. The wise gentleman narrating this video should be heartily congratulated for his emotional and touching choice of words, which includes a lot of practical engineering functions. His soul and spirit are all contained in his physical, practical, long experience.
    All I can say about this Hybrid wing, is that it is very efficient, but it could be a little inconvenient on some occasions, and I shall point out that, THE MASTHEAD CENTRAL SPINDLE/ SHAFT IN THAT THREE WAY ANCHORING TOP UNIT, PERMITTING THE WING TO ROTATE, MUST BE VERY STRONG INDEED as that, effectively cantilevered mastheaded fitting, is introducing a heavy bending load, on both the spindle and the upper part of the D shaped leading edge section.

  7. Thanks for a great description of this large wingmast. To those asking how to depower or heave to, a symmetrical airfoil has extremely low drag. To depower, simply (drop all sails) and point the wing straight into the wind. To heave to, have the wingmast and a foresail at different angles to he wind, or put the hull and wing at different angles to the wind.

    Thanks also for a superb engineering analysis of the hull and boat in general.

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