International Yahting YouTubeAntrenează-te cu Aegeas Yachting Aegeas Yachting6 ani ago11 mins Vizualizari: 64 Aegeas Yachting Kavala-Grecia source Navigare în articole Previous: 2019 Galeon 405 HTL Yacht – Puncte și plimbare interioară – Festivalul de iahting de la Cannes 2018Next: Marș istoric cu ocazia aniversării vârstei de 80 de ani a Bricului Mircea One thought on “Antrenează-te cu Aegeas Yachting” We had a truly awesome time last year sailing around the Greek islands, training with these guys, they seriously have to be the absolute best! Comments are closed.
We had a truly awesome time last year sailing around the Greek islands, training with these guys, they seriously have to be the absolute best!
Ne place să se închidă racheta de croazieră pe râul Mississippi al clubului de iaht MSC Scott travelso zi ago 1
We had a truly awesome time last year sailing around the Greek islands, training with these guys, they seriously have to be the absolute best!