International Yahting YouTubeAntrenează-te cu Aegeas Yachting Aegeas Yachting6 ani ago11 mins Vizualizari: 66 Aegeas Yachting Kavala-Grecia source Navigare în articole Previous: 2019 Galeon 405 HTL Yacht – Puncte și plimbare interioară – Festivalul de iahting de la Cannes 2018Next: Marș istoric cu ocazia aniversării vârstei de 80 de ani a Bricului Mircea One thought on “Antrenează-te cu Aegeas Yachting” We had a truly awesome time last year sailing around the Greek islands, training with these guys, they seriously have to be the absolute best! Comments are closed.
We had a truly awesome time last year sailing around the Greek islands, training with these guys, they seriously have to be the absolute best!
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We had a truly awesome time last year sailing around the Greek islands, training with these guys, they seriously have to be the absolute best!