Un videoclip postat pe rețelele de socializare care arată pasageri țipând la un șofer de 21 de ani cu ochii mari, cu câteva clipe înainte ca aceasta să moară într-o coliziune frontală în Berkshire Park este punctul central al unei investigații a poliției. Videoclipul o înfățișează pe Shania McNeill conducând, dar în mod clar distrasă, vizând în traficul din sens opus, îndemnată de pasagerii ei Hazel Wildman și Faeda Hunter. Abonați-vă la 7NEWS pentru cel mai recent videoclip: https://7news.link/T9ofSw Conectați-vă cu 7NEWS online Vizitați http://7NEWS.com.au Găsiți 7NEWS pe Facebook https://7news.link/WZEzyZ Urmărește 7NEWS pe Twitter https: //7news.link/5Hn5KQ Urmărește 7NEWS pe Instagram https://7news.link/uH4cWq #BerkshirePark #ShaniaMcNeill #7NEWS
Accident fatal după ce a fost încărcat un videoclip Snapchat care arată un șofer distras în Berkshire Park | 7ȘTIRI

37 thoughts on “Accident fatal după ce a fost încărcat un videoclip Snapchat care arată un șofer distras în Berkshire Park | 7ȘTIRI”
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Are you fuckin kidding me???
Selfies at the hospital? Seriously! And playing chicken with oncoming cars?! How are they NOT in PRISON!! Do your job Australia!
Selfies at the hospital? Seriously! And playing chicken with oncoming cars?! How are they NOT in PRISON!! Do your job Australia!
Imagine loosing someone so close then seeing this video and not being able to feel bad for them anymore.
Wow What stupidity here. WOW
Man there is some stupid people on earth DONT BE ON YOUR PHONE STILL WANNA BE ALIVE THEN DONT DO THAT
Their friend died and they are taking hospital selfies. These two dorky girls have no self esteem and trying to be popular. They should give it up… they are hopeless
They should all be charged with murder as they egged her on n for that life
Like the oncoming car isn't going to swerve back into her lane to try and miss her coming all the while she swerves back into her lane and they collide.
You should never take your life for granted.
If I had the chance to be a girl I would never throw it away.
Crazy what an ego/selfish/ugly will do (being seen by others). We see it every day. Special props to these passengers, though – they met the mark on this one.
Sometimes I'm glad I'm approaching the end of the line – today's world is just soooooo wrong !
Sorry her family had to go through that.
Quelles crèves c'est CES GROSSES PUTES

The only people I feel bad for are the two men in the other car, I hope they made a swift recovery
Life in prison, nothing less in acceptable
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Selfie girl must be in the 60 IQ range.
dumb and dumber
I would argue that the biggest factor in this crash was stupidity.
Distract the driver???? The driver was being a maniac.
Imagine being the cause of other people's injuries and death because of selfish idiotic behavior.
what braindead no life snap chat girl
This is why I'm alienated from people my own age
Thank you for taking yourself out of the gene pool. Darwin Award winner.
Owell, bye
Dumb & Dumber
Not only is her life gone, but her family, friends, the emt’s that found her and the doctors that worked on her are all traumatized… awful all around. RIP.
“it sounded like a good idea at the time”…..
Can’t fix stupid ……
The human species just isn't going to make it.
Yet police have computers
and how its fatal.
Mobile phones
And all other kinds of distractions. Yet lecure everyone else about the same
Typical hypocritical cops.
Dont feel sorry for thos woman at all.
Should have known better