Călătorie întinsă 4 | Episodul 26 | Unde puțini marinari îndrăznesc să meargă

Călătorie întinsă 4 |  Episodul 26 |  Unde puțini marinari îndrăznesc să meargă

Puține iahturi merg unde mergem noi. Majoritatea se grăbesc să traverseze Atlanticul și nu este un punct de ancorare foarte recomandat. Prea adânc, greu de plajă murdar și foarte ondulat. Toate acestea sunt adevărate. Cel mai bine, nu este aglomerat cu alte iahturi. Are un peisaj frumos, oameni minunați și fără vânt! Dar am mers și mai departe și am ancorat în fața unei plaje cu nisip negru total izolată. Și acolo am avut niște oportunități de filmare destul de bune pentru a crea dulciuri pentru ochi. Vă rugăm să vă faceți auzită vocea: abonați-vă, apreciați, nu apreciez sau comentați. DISCLAIMER: Această serie este pur și simplu menită să ofere și să ofere o alternativă la televizorul convențional… GRATUIT! Și dacă cineva are voința bună să răsplătească această serie doar pe merit, pentru că este cumva amuzant, ușor interesant, ușor prost sau bizar de distractiv, puteți face acest lucru dându-i un pont pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com /SailorAlex? Rămâneți la curent cu următorul site web Winded Voyage: http://www.windedvoyage.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/windedvoyage/ Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cuckooracha / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailinggalopin/ Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/SwissSailorAlex/


40 thoughts on “Călătorie întinsă 4 | Episodul 26 | Unde puțini marinari îndrăznesc să meargă

  1. One of these days, I'll get to be that guy who is the first to click the 'like' button…LOL 'Been #2 too many times…hahaha

  2. Alex, thank you for another beautiful episode. Please thank Natasha for her gift to the gentleman viewers, she is just delightful / free spirited. I look forward to your next installment. 👍

  3. Comme d'habitudes très bonne vidéo et Natacha au top👍 a la semaine prochaine

  4. Captain Alex
    Little under the weather today I think it my first summer cold.
    But I think Nat has me back on the track to recovery, thank you Jefe.
    Just beautiful just beautiful— you are my Hero

  5. Thanks for another great video showing the joy of wearing just your birthday suit. So many channels put the women out there for 'eye candy' but never show the guys enjoying life naked.

  6. And the superb adventure continues,mind blowing experience after mind blowing experience 👍
    Those electric reels are something else,a real labour saving device,and it served you very well with a great catch😀
    Nat seems super happy,lots of cheeky facial expressions,pretty as a picture ☺️
    You've been a good student Alex,you've learnt from the locals how to choose the right moment to paddle like hell and get ashore before being swamped,good job👍
    Keep enjoying yourselves,I'm happy for you,and don't worry,I'm a bit slow working out technology too,but good on you for figuring it,a great feature indeed😊

  7. Gracias Alex. Nos estas enseñando a todos una faceta hermosa de hacer un crucero.
    Eres de mis sitios favoritos y un ejemplo de calidad de producción.

  8. Alex, "You old sea dog!" I'm jealous, Linda is still laughing. Obviously, no stick up your ass… at least none I could see… We hope you and Natacha are enjoying life to its fullest. It's too bad you have to edit for the youtube prudes. Best wishes Dave & Linda M/S Olivebank S/V Banyanda

  9. Pretty cool how that charted the depths, I wonder what the tides have deposited in that hole.

  10. Another cool video it would have been interesting to know a little bit more about the jelly fish and what they were up too and what they were

  11. Dude, You are so lucky. Should be taking ownership of my boat in a few week and hope to have as much fun as you do.

  12. In case anyone was wondering – Nats eye candy music jam is in the key of Dm. – Literally practicing guitar and watching sailing at the same time!

  13. Once Again Stunning! I have seen every episode and they always astounds me your way with the people and places. Please keep being bold and daring. If more people lived they way you do this world would be amazing. Bravo!!!

  14. Totally agree with you, I love those little anchorages that people usually don't go to. They have something magic about them. and getting to hang out with the locals is always a treat! Nice job on capturing it all

  15. Alex recordar años atras siguiendote , en tus travesias y singladuras y volver a encontrarme y recordar a Natascha. Saludos.

  16. Hell you certainly had a challenge with those waves, but you made it! A few years ago you went to festival and it a Band that played the most amazing music with a very unique sound, if you could maybe remember the groups name I would really appreciate it. Thanks and best wishes.

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