Superyacht Jucărie Comandă Sosire | Yacht Arience

Superyacht Jucărie Comandă Sosire |  Yacht Arience

Livrare jucării Yacht Arience! Abia aștept să le pun în folosință. Urmărește Yacht Arience în timp ce începem traversarea Atlanticului… Vrei să lucrezi ca membru al echipajului de iaht? Vizitați Instagram: Jared: Urmăriți Yacht-ul: Urmăriți-l pe Becca: https :// – Ghid complet de iahting pentru începători disponibil AICI pentru 5$: – Lucrează cu mine | Portofoliul meu online aici: – Link-uri afiliate: Agenție de turism recomandată pentru echipajul de iaht: -SHARKBANZ (repelant pentru rechini): Cod promoțional: „CantTouchMe ” -Ochelari de soare: -GDome (split shots water):


46 thoughts on “Superyacht Jucărie Comandă Sosire | Yacht Arience

  1. I'm confused… how can you keep your LIFE BOAT below decks, presumably dependent upon pneumatic hoist to bring it up to the weather deck launching area? Doesnt seem like a fast nor easy regress in time of emergency ?????

  2. Just found your channel. I have subscribed and look forward to your videos of what goes on behind the crew doors. Good luck on your's and Becca's transatlantic voyage.

  3. Is this boat new? Looks like it had scaffolding? If so, what was the last crew doing on it? What is your position on this boat? Yes I’m new to this channel and am not in research mode 🤠

  4. My brother in law is also a first mate, I envy his job and his travels. Seems like a lot of saffas doing this. Just completed his Atlantic crossing to the med from ft lauderdale, had great weather, good luck with yours.

  5. Just one piece of seafarer pedantry: The Forepeak is the most forward part of a cargo hold or more often these days the most forward tank in the bows for fuel, ballast, or water. What you’re cleaning is the fo’csle (forecastle). Which is the most forward working decks.

  6. If I'm not mistaken that yacht has been down to Halifax nova Scotia before. I remember seeing it a couple summers back. If u come by again it would be cool to meet you

  7. Can you show more of the foredeck opened and the crane? That looked pretty cool lifting the waverunner up there.

  8. No way, just noticed this yacht has an Ocean Reed Club flag on the bow. Is there any plans to go to the Florida Keys?

  9. Out of curiosity, how do you open the enclosed forepeak to remove the rescue tender Incase of need during emergency with loss of power/hydraulics?

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