45]Prima navigare pe NOUA NOASTRA BARCĂ | Sailing Skua

45]Prima navigare pe NOUA NOASTRA BARCĂ |  Sailing Skua

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41 thoughts on “45]Prima navigare pe NOUA NOASTRA BARCĂ | Sailing Skua

  1. Not sure why, but I think this is one of my favourite episodes, nice to know I’m not only one who gets nervous:)

    Skua looks amazing & she will look after you well

  2. And the beauty spread her wings/sails again 🙂
    Looking great and ready to sail away… or is it missing something?

    Anxious to see you both and that heavy lady called Skua cutting the waves in direction to the sunset… or in your case… its more kinda sunrise direction 🙂

    Conglatulations on your new home and office 🙂
    Kiss and hugh,


  3. As you know there is a lot of information on tayana 37 online. 600 plus built so lots of good feedback
    I set mine up as a slutter. So i have a large jib and no staysial set up. So its sailed like a sloop.
    15 years like this and for me its perfect.i am now on my second set of sails. I bought new sails when i bought the boat because i did not like the cutter set up and just now replaced those. Same cuts Full batten main and jib. My last set lasting 13 years. But i should have replaced at 10 ,cause performance with fresh sails is huge. Another huge,huge,huge difference for sailing speed 1 knot is the feathering prop. I cant believe the difference in winds under 15 knots in my boat speed. I put a 4 blade featherstream on. It will stop the boat from 6 knots in 1 boat length in reverse. Before my fixed 3 blade took about 4 boat lengths to stop.
    But even so she still backs up like a semi truck.and if its windy or current you are going to have issues. These take time to figure out. And still full of surprises 15 years later.
    The jib is hardish to pull in if you have 20 knots and a full sail out off the wind. But only the first few rolls.
    Tayana are well known to be tender boats. They are easily over powered at 15 knots full sails cause of the tall rig. But there motion in a sea way is predictable and a slow roll. Never a snap roll w these boats
    But you need that sail erea in lighter stuff.
    I sail mine under jib alone lots and lots, its a 125 percent genoa and i love this set up. I hated the cutter.but i am probobly the only tayana owner to say this.
    Looks like youre happy with the boat. First sail and smiling.
    These are great live aboard boats. Inside they are quiet and comy.
    I love my old girl a 1977. Aluminum keel step mast. Standard layout.

  4. Perry hit a home run with the Tayana 37, she does sail well in light winds, tuck a reef in when you need too and off she goes. This hull is designed to be comfortable in the trades, and safe. You said it perfect, every minute you two spend sailing the better you feel.

    Congrats, on having two beautiful woman if your life, don't quit your day job just yet. And yes I own one and simply love it, I have had many sailboats and none of them come close to the compliments I get on the Tayana.

    Someone mentioned be careful with the winch handle, i agree,, I have scene A flogging jib sheet grab one, pull it out and sent it flying across the boat into Davy Jones locker. It could knock a person out. Great job, thanks for the videos, Cheers Pops's

  5. Well done guys! Although the refit may have pushed you to the edge I'm sure it's been worth it, she's an absolute credit to you and your perseverance 🙂

  6. When that headsail and then the main went up, that must have been a very very special moment, hope you managed to enjoy it amongst all the stress of the past months. "Bit" of a sail surface difference from Kittiwake 😉

  7. I’m really enjoying my Christmas break watching your channel Iv been binge watching all the refit episodes made my day the teak deck episode so I’m really not sure I’m well 😂 I tell my Girlfreind I’m watching boat porn again as I call it. when I told her about the teak deck episode she looked at me in a strange way 😆

    Seriously I’m very impressed by how You have done things for someone who said you had little experience you’ve really impressed me well done 👍 this is a great channel too

  8. It would have been nice if you could have installed a hard bimini that would allow you to install more solar panels.
    I'm not a sailing expert, I just saw another video where they said that it was a good idea.

    I collected some good videos in case I get a sailboat someday. See if there's something below that's useful for you guys.

    Watch "Top 10 Must have items for boatlife | Living on your sailboat | Sailing Sunday" on YouTube

    Watch "This guy is a GENIUS! Check out his DIY Boat Plans | ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵" on YouTube

    Spare parts needed on a sailboat:
    Watch "What It's Like To Travel On A Sailboat [Ep. 8]" on YouTube

    Watch "Every Boat Should Have This On Board! | ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵" on YouTube

    Watch "How we Built an 8 Foot Tender Which Folds to 4 Inches Wide! | ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵" on YouTube

    Watch "How To Prevent Seasickness! |  ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵" on YouTube

    Great book:
    Don Casey sailboat Maintenance

    Watch "1985 Ericson 26 Sailboat Upgrades (Boat Tour)" on YouTube

    Watch "8 GAME CHANGING Boat Life Hacks Sailing GBU" on YouTube

    Watch "The BEST Money We Ever Spent on the Boat! | Sailing Wisdom" on YouTube

  9. Once I started watching the restoration process of Skua, I had to stick around to see you sail her. You're both very capable and friendly, and I hope you have a blast sailing around the Med.

  10. What a wonderful channel. Recently came across your channel and just wanted to say thank you for showing your journey!!!!!! Can’t wait to keep watching!

  11. I have enjoyed your honestly about your trial and experiences. life is the journey together, not the end of the road. or in your case, to the ends of the world sailing. I like watching the refit or repairs to your new boat. what I really learned from the both of you two. sailing is a lot of hard work and patience. I not sure I could do that type of life. so it is been fun for me to watch you two. I can relate you your husband probably the most. I can fix or repair almost anything. good luck with your new life as a married couple and new boat. thanks.

  12. You two are doing a great job, the boat is looking really nice, your d.i.y. has saved you a ton of money, well-done guys.

  13. Do NOT use bowlines on your jib sheets; they can flog loose as happened to me on a lee shore once. Use a topsail sheet bend; it will never flog loose!

  14. You were the first sailing channel I started to watch. Last night I decided to check out a few others which turned out pretty disappointing.
    Too many depend on cheap skinny dipping shots, skimpy bikinis, obviously they have more money available because they eat expensive restaurant meals. The one really defining thing though for me is how tidy and clean you keep your boat(s).
    I had a motorhome for quite a few years before gas prices went crazy and when you have a small living space you must have order and cleanliness!!
    Watching you sail Skua takes me back to 1979 when my parents had a CT37, the "Sea Shaman."
    Thank you for those memories and thank you for keeping things so real! Love from 🇨🇦🇨🇦

  15. Do you guys pay Spanish authorities for sailing under the Spanish flag? (Complete sailing noob here :))

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