Ziua de antrenament. O zi plină cu o mulțime de informații despre jucăriile de iaht, cum să le folosești, cum să le depozitezi și cum să le recuperezi în siguranță. Asigurați-vă că urmăriți iahtul și echipajul pe Instagram pentru mai multe actualizări de zi cu zi. Vrei să lucrezi ca membru al echipajului de iaht? Vizitați http://www.crewlibrary.com?afmc=1b – Urmărește Yacht: https://www.instagram.com/yachtarience/ – Jared Watney: https://www.instagram.com/jaredwatney/ – Urmărește The Căpitan: https://www.instagram.com/captainpilatti/ – Urmărește-l pe Bucătar: https://www.instagram.com/theyachtchef/ – Urmărește-l pe Becca: https://www.instagram.com/beccapretorius/ – Începător complet Ghid de iahting disponibil AICI pentru 5$: https://www.jaredwatney.co.za/shop – Portofoliul meu online aici (neactualizat): https://www.jaredwatney.co.za/ – Echipament pentru cameră folosit: Camera principală – https://amzn.to/2FwuHZ4 Lentila principală – https://amzn.to/2J7wEw5 Dronă – https://amzn.to/2J3NrAb Gopro (am 6 dintre acestea) https://amzn.to/2RBaKVT Cam 360 (Arata ca o fotografie cu drona) – https://amzn.to/2xaecgL Gimbal mic – https://amzn.to/2YbkYPf Gimbal mare – https://amzn.to/2Nf2wUU ––
Jucării superyacht | Ziua de formare a echipajului | Yacht Arience

26 thoughts on “Jucării superyacht | Ziua de formare a echipajului | Yacht Arience”
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Two toys are missing from this video. Any guesses based on the video I posted about the toy delivery? Hopfully I'll show you those soon. The day shown in this video was an exceptioonally busy one, I'll make sure to break down each toy we have in future videos and let you all know what the crew were taught.
Which toy is your favorite?
See you in Sardinia this summer…..
2:30 aaannnnddddd….I fell in love
This channel will be huge soon!
Ho is the owner and make a vlog with him
Desculpa… Mais igual felicidade de pobre não tem
whats the earliest age to joim as superyacht crew? help please
Pisaj po sirotinji
How would one apply to work on a yacht like this?
I saw ur boat in Monaco
This whole video was just
Do you work on mittals boat ?
love watching your videos! just wondering how you got into yachting and how you recommend for someone to become a deckhand
Jared your video a bit back of you and beckie not re employed. You are bigger than that… dont go there. Was totally unnecessary. Why so bitter when you can achieve so much more
And why comment when you dont reply
Ànd… still no reply
Hi jarred if I want to be a yacht driver and I live in South Africa where and how would I become one
Do you have a air compressor and dive equipment on board and do any of the crew have dive instructor qualifications to teach guests a basic resort course
Hi. Please, more videos about drills, inspection of life saving appliances, launching lifeboats and rafts and other
Great Job creating S.O.P.'s!! I am very much familiar with those have have created library's full. Good job being safe!! SAFETY FIRST!
Jared, as a paing guest on board would i need any permit to use these toys? Im not sure about but i believe i heard something like that. or are these requirements from different countries?
wWnching the tender or boat up out of the sea with 2 crew in it, someone did not do their risk assessment on that, surely it would be safer for the crew to get out of the boat before it was winched up.
Looks like a lot of fun
Your yacht owner is seriously smart, actively encouraging YouTube and Social Media engagement. If I was to book a charter, there would only be two yachts I would consider booking; Arience & AWOL.
I threw my back out just watching..